Merge repo, appstore and OpenHandhelds archive?

its not just as simple as lising the pnds you also need to provide specifc info so PNDstore knows about pnd updates/file size/md5 hash/ also what about duplication? that means the PNDstore would need to add even more stuff to check this which is why the REPO specifications were created so any site cold take advantage of this which would allow PNDstore to do that with ease.

your idea of scraping the other app stores is not new and when u think about all the extra effort that would be needed to get anything the PNDstore or panorama could use its just not worth it.

the best idea is just to try get the authers to add there stuff to the repo, honestly this has been discussed so many times before, especialy since many PNDs on other app stores have invalid/old PXML and the like.
It is and it can, just not from either apps or the old archives. Neither of these have any simple interface for an application to access the data from, they would have to resort to a screen scraping in order to get the information which is a challenge to do and can be fragile: if even one part of the page changes, it can throw off the entire scrape so the data comes up bad.

The repo implements an interface that was designed and agreed upon by the developers that would be using it. Any other website can also implement this interface and PNDStore will be able to just pick up everything in that repo as well, no problem.
I've actually already made a screen scraper for apps.o.o that presents all its PNDs in the repo format. The repo file is at http://randy.heydon....extra/repo.json

EDIT: I should add that the code for this is on github

This makes the appstore accessible by PNDstore and libmilky/Panorama, but it's not tremendously useful considering that the appstore hasn't been updated since August. It now looks like the appstore has been abandoned.

A cooler idea would be to have the manually-curated wiki data automatically converted to a repo file, but I don't really know the best way to make that happen. It might not be practical, since not all wiki links are direct downloads.
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damn the archive is EVIL !! LOL !!

anway i'm trying to get automagically all the info i can from all the pnd pages, just to have them all on a single text file

P.S.: just for pointing out this is not for the appstore program, I was misinformed about the argument and now I undestand your points
the archive has a contract to accept before downloading a pnd, does the appstore do the same thing ? even in the wiki direct downloads there's nothing to accept, but, is this the right way ?
the archive has a contract to accept before downloading a pnd, does the appstore do the same thing ? even in the wiki direct downloads there's nothing to accept, but, is this the right way ?
Usually it's just the GPL, isn't it? That's a bit excessive, you don't need to accept the GPL for every application that uses it.
the archive has a contract to accept before downloading a pnd, does the appstore do the same thing ? even in the wiki direct downloads there's nothing to accept, but, is this the right way ?
Usually it's just the GPL, isn't it? That's a bit excessive, you don't need to accept the GPL for every application that uses it.

some application can be downloaded directly, but some others have a custom license like chromium-dev,1,0,0,112,201 or Firefox,1,0,0,112,91
panplayer dev is nowhere to be seen anymore, I tried. I've asked sebt about his apps, and we all know streaks story

I'm not dead, just mostly dead. ;) . My pandora was mostly sitting unused as I had no use for it at the time, especially since I made the battery toast by having it plugged in all the time. I haven't logged in in a while, and wasn't seeing any pm's being notified through my email. I'm planning on doing a new panplayer release when I get home from my trip, and been researching new things that could be integrated. I actually kind of forgot about it, due to putting down my pandora and not being on the forums, embaressingly enough. Supposedly we have DSP access now, and have been trying to find about that, though not sure what can be done as far as what the mplayer and ffmpeg guys have been working on, but I noticed notaz committed some patches to the mplayer omapfb for double buffering, and will look into that. Any other new happenings I should be aware of would be much appreciated. :)
As a convenient user I prefer centralisation. And as the repo has so far the best user experience, the repo shall be the central app site!

@Devs, if possible please post your apps to the repo as your first choice and optionally to other sites too!

@App site maintainers: Please leave the other app sites for legacy and/or special purpose and inform visitors about that legacy/purpose, and that ordinary users at best use the repo.
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