Megazeux Released


Staff member
Simon Parzer ported Megazeux, an ASCII-Adventure-Construction-System to the gp2x.


Now you can play Megazeux-Adventures with your gp2x!
Caverns of Zeux is already includedin the archive.

A nice collection of games ready to download can be found here.

Download: Megazeux
Grr ED, change that link for games on the front page to instead. That is where pretty much everything is available, and that is where the community is.

Edit: is that an actual screenshot on the GP2X?
that`s a pretty good link to get games. I spent sooooo much time trying to find a decent collection yesterday and didn`t find anything good but this just saved my sanity ;-)
I suggest you try a game called "Nonsense" (found in Very, very entertaining game.
That's my main gripe with this, too.. unreadable text. :/
Otherwise this would be insanely sweet. Doesn't mean it's not nice as-is already, though.. :)
Anyone knows some nicely readable games for this?

Also, how far could this, technically, be improved without adding zoom-in features?