T thumpgun Zombie club life member Joined Oct 8, 2006 Messages 451 Age 88 Location front of pc.. Website Visit site Feb 11, 2007 #1 is the mega cd and the sega cd the same machine ? i would like to use my mega cd roms in the sega cd emulator , if they or the same console or is it just another sega mega drive addon.....
is the mega cd and the sega cd the same machine ? i would like to use my mega cd roms in the sega cd emulator , if they or the same console or is it just another sega mega drive addon.....
sensible GP32 Well-Known Member Joined May 29, 2003 Messages 1,595 Age 40 Location suburban once more Feb 11, 2007 #2 yes they are my good chum...
I imhotep Active Member Joined Nov 6, 2006 Messages 641 Feb 11, 2007 #3 It was known as SegaCD in the US and MegaCD in Europe, Japan and most other countries.