Mech Warrior Or Iron Soldier


Still Fresh
Mar 10, 2007
Just got Ring Of Red for the PS2 recently, which I am enjoying thoroughly. It reawakened my taste for big robot / mech games.

My first thought was Mechwarrior 1 on dosbox for the gp2x but it does not seem to work currently :( I tried finding the DOS version of MW2 but it was nowhere to be found.

Then I thought about consoles.

I came across Iron Soldier for the Atari Jaguar. Looks quite interesting.

Or Mechwarrior 2 for the PS1 or Saturn.

(I already have GunGriffon for the Saturn which is nice).

So which is best for fulfilling my big mech needs? Bonus points for something that works on the gp2x. Big hugs if anyone knows of a link for the DOS Version of MW2.


If you wanna play a mech game on the gp2x, I know that there is two mech warrior games on snes. One is a conversion of mw1 I believe, never liked it though. Then there is an awesome isometric shooter. also a mechwarrior franchise. That one is a hell lot of fun though not really a simulation. Just if you would like to try that out. Don't remember the name though something like "mechwarrior 20XX"
Cybernator is a decent mech game that runs on GP2X (through SquidgeSNES or DrPocketSNES, your choice), but it's a side-scroller so I don't know if that's what you're looking for.

Outside of the GP2X world, Zone of Enders on PS2 is a pretty decent mech game, more in the anime style, but fun if you can get past the anime-style storyline.

Or the MechAssault games for XBox, which are also good and sound like they'd be more up your alley.
There's also Battle Tech for the Sega Genesis, works great on both Picodrive and DrMD.
Ravnos said:
Outside of the GP2X world, Zone of Enders on PS2 is a pretty decent mech game, more in the anime style, but fun if you can get past the anime-style storyline.
Zone of the Enders 1 was boring imho. The sequel, ZoE 2, is a lot better and more action packed. (and a better story)
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If you like cybernator, check out Front Mission2 on snes (dejapped of course). Front Mission is also a classic, it's a turn based mech combat simulation, sorta like FF tactics for the snes.
Thanks for the tips. The Mega Drive Battletech looks like it should be fun. Not so keen on the SNES one for some reason.

Had forgotten about Front Mission ( I did a Translation SNES Pack for a little known Torrent site :) so I have no excuse for forgetting.

Think I will install Win98 on an ancient laptop and have a look at some of the early windows era games.