Still Fresh
Just got Ring Of Red for the PS2 recently, which I am enjoying thoroughly. It reawakened my taste for big robot / mech games.
My first thought was Mechwarrior 1 on dosbox for the gp2x but it does not seem to work currently
I tried finding the DOS version of MW2 but it was nowhere to be found.
Then I thought about consoles.
I came across Iron Soldier for the Atari Jaguar. Looks quite interesting.
Or Mechwarrior 2 for the PS1 or Saturn.
(I already have GunGriffon for the Saturn which is nice).
So which is best for fulfilling my big mech needs? Bonus points for something that works on the gp2x. Big hugs if anyone knows of a link for the DOS Version of MW2.
My first thought was Mechwarrior 1 on dosbox for the gp2x but it does not seem to work currently
Then I thought about consoles.
I came across Iron Soldier for the Atari Jaguar. Looks quite interesting.
Or Mechwarrior 2 for the PS1 or Saturn.
(I already have GunGriffon for the Saturn which is nice).
So which is best for fulfilling my big mech needs? Bonus points for something that works on the gp2x. Big hugs if anyone knows of a link for the DOS Version of MW2.