Max In Ghostpix V1.0 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Marc_RC released the final version of his Picross-like game Max in Ghostpix. A lot of things changed since the GBAX2005 beta version:

* New save system: you can save up to 4 different games. You can even save in mid-game!
* New game rules: now if you reveal a correct block, you can't erase it.
* New story: cutscenes have been renewed too.
* New menus: they are more intuitive now.
* New polished graphics!
* And a lot of new features!


Download: Max in GhostPix v1.0
Digitalrat posted on Dec 24 2006 at 07:16 PM said:
doubled news again :>
This is the GP32 news section, not GP2X. Read before being a wiseass :)

- Alex
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I wish it wouldnt say "[GP2X]" at the beginning of each title its really misleading.
Why hasnt this been fixed?
This game is great. Polished looks, great music, perfect gameplay and it even has a storyline!..
Probably the best picross game on the gp32 with truly professional quality...

I think that the game would be even better if you could listen to your own mod files!
Its not compatible with Blu+ :(

EDIT: Its also unplayable, as the white bar thing blocks the hints of the numbers so its unplayable :(
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Its not compatible with Blu+ :(

EDIT: Its also unplayable, as the white bar thing blocks the hints of the numbers so its unplayable :(
Try this, I don't know if it works because I don't have a BLU+:
Download this file and replace the fenix.rte file at /GPSYS/ with this new one. It should work.

If it works I'll recompile the ZIP with it.

This latest version seems to work fine with BLU+. Great!! :)
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