Mappy Support


Wanna Be Programmer
Dec 18, 2003
Oregon, USA
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Map editing is the most labor intensive part of making RPG's. Maybe a converter
could be made to convert Gigas/Mappy maps back and forth. Or maybe changing over to Mappy format, or giving a Mappy map import/export feature in Gigas. Similar stuff. It would make it a bit easier when Pirotic starts making the PC editor.

Its just an idea.
you can use Mappy already mate, and then just export it into raw format which Gigas supports - its in the tutorial PDF.

Oops! just checked the tutorial and i must of missed it out - i used to create the maps for the early builds in Mappy back before i had the editor working.

If anybody has a copy of the readme.txt from the older release which had the Mappy Export info in it, could you please paste it in here so i can add it into the manual.

all i know is that map height and map width have to be identical, and then you export as a .txt file and rename that to the relevant map file.. sorry i can't be any more accurate, hopefully somebody else from the old beta will remember it better than i do.
Octavious posted on Dec 30 2004 at 08:34 PM said:
sry, I dont have the old builds anymore..
but dont you have to rotate a mappy map??


it has the 'rotate' function built into gigas so once you've imported a mappy map you could correct its rotation - but i can't remember the export settings for mappy.

it isnt the default, its the most crude settings

export as array[x][y], and export to .txt file... or something like that
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You said this yourself:

Pirotic posted on May 16 2004 at 05:38 AM said:
Hiya, i dont like Mappy personally - but i have exported a few maps without problems, i wrote a little bit in the guide about it:

2b.) Creating and Importing Maps Using Mappy

Mappy is a populour windows application for creating maps for tilebased games,
and luckily it exports to a format which Gigas understands. So if you dont
fancy using the GP32 editor, and dont want to wait for me to get around
to coding my PC editor - give it a try.

Make a new map, and pick a size between 30 and 100 for its dimensions - please
make sure both width and height dimensions are the same (50x50 is ok, 50x60 isnt)

While the Gigas-Editor supports maps which have a height different to the width,
you wont be able to import Mappy maps unless the width and height as the same.

Set the tilesize to 16x16, and click 'OK'

Now select 'File' and 'Import' and select the tileset.bmp you are using, this
will load the tiles.

Now select 'Layer' and add 2 more layers, so you have a Layer 0,1 & 2.

Thats it, your now free to create your map.

Now to export a map into Gigas is pretty easy, the export function
only does a layer at a time, so select Layer 0 and then goto 'File'
and select 'Export'

The export filename should be M<map number>L<layer number>

So if your making map1, and exporting layer 0 - it'll be "M1L0".

Now tick the 'Map Array (?.mar)' option and click 'OK' to export the map.

you'll now have M1L0.MAR, so go ahead and do the same for the other two layers
so you'll also have M1L1.MAR and M1L2.MAR.

Gigas doesn't call them .MAR files, but .DAT - so rename them all to .dat files
instead of .mar and then simply copy them into your game folder on the SMC

When you load the map on gigas you'll notice its wonky and everything is in the
wrong place, to fix this you must "FLIP" each layer you've imported.

So select the layer you've imported (or go thru all 3 layers if you've imported
all three) then press select and pick 'FLIP MAP' from the options list to correct it.

Once they are all corrected, resave the map and your done.

Sounds a bit fiddly, but its honestly not as tricky as it sounds.
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