OK - I've ordered a spare battery, and I'd reckon with long work trips, I may only need to use it once a month or maybe even 2.
I've been reading a bit about batteries - I've formed a preliminary view that I should leave the spare about 60% charged while it lays dormant. Am I way off here?
I suppose I could, depending on how much hassle there is in switching batteries, swap them around a lot, but then which ever battery was "spare" would be run down and may not be required for a couple of weeks if I don't get much Pandora time.
I've been reading a bit about batteries - I've formed a preliminary view that I should leave the spare about 60% charged while it lays dormant. Am I way off here?
I suppose I could, depending on how much hassle there is in switching batteries, swap them around a lot, but then which ever battery was "spare" would be run down and may not be required for a couple of weeks if I don't get much Pandora time.