Management Chip

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Mar 3, 2008
This part of the forums has not seen activity since last year. With all the "testing chip" threads, I started wondering; Do mods truly check such barren sections?

I decided to make a little experiment. Namely, this thread. In it, post whatever you want. How long till lock? Nobody knows!

@Mods: I mean no disrespect by this, I am just curious about what will happen.
The real problem isn't Chip it's you and the hundreds of other idiot newbies that post threads within two days of joining, never ever doing searches and really just wanting to see their name next to a new topic.

You know how many new topics I've made outside of the News section?

Geeze, not sure if I can think of a single one.
Quite incredible! Was the tip off the little thing that shows a new post in the main forum? Was it the fact that the title had "Chip" in the title?

Well done Chip, I figured it would be at least a few hours. Two minutes... Incredible! Funny thing is, I don't know how many members actually come here. I suppose the game is now "how many people come to these barren parts of the forum?". :p

Chip, regardless of others feeling against you/for you (I issue a "no comment").... You truly are an incredible mod. Even the people who call you hell-spawn incarnate must agree on this. :)
palmertech said:
Quite incredible! Was the tip off the little thing that shows a new post in the main forum? Was it the fact that the title had "Chip" in the title?
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Senor Quack said:
palmertech said:
Quite incredible! Was the tip off the little thing that shows a new post in the main forum? Was it the fact that the title had "Chip" in the title?

That's just awesome! :lol:
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