I've done a successful flash to the latest firmware for the wiz.
I've loaded on mame4all and put 1 rom in the roms folder. When I start the mame program it goes to the loading screen and stops.
I've tried loading the mame4all program on the sd card and get the same problem.
I've got gamboy, pocktsnes and picodrive to work ok, but can't get mame to work (the main reason I got the wiz was mame).
any ideas ?

I've done a successful flash to the latest firmware for the wiz.
I've loaded on mame4all and put 1 rom in the roms folder. When I start the mame program it goes to the loading screen and stops.
I've tried loading the mame4all program on the sd card and get the same problem.
I've got gamboy, pocktsnes and picodrive to work ok, but can't get mame to work (the main reason I got the wiz was mame).
any ideas ?