Mame2x Help


Active Member
Dec 15, 2005
Ok, so I just got my 2x, and have gotten a few things working very nicely, however mame is not one of them.

I copied the files for mame2x, and put my converted romset from clrmame into the mamegp2x/roms folder, but whenever I run mame, I see the splash screen, but then I when I hit any button, it looks like the screen goes black. If you look closely though, I can barely make out the text saying no playable games found. Then I have to hit A to get back to the main screen.

Is this an install error or did I do something wrong with my rom conversions? I've tried redoing the conversion like 4 times, but the same thing always happens.

Help please!!
I seem to have the same problem. I used the copier utility to put the roms on the SD card. I tried both the first and the second release of Mame. I'm still using the firmware that came on the GP2X, maybe this causes the problem?
I wouldn't use the copier utility it seems buggy. I used CLRMAMEPRO and then just copied all the roms it created into the roms subdirectory on the SD card.

/mamegp2x has the programs
/mamegp2x/roms has the roms
Well, the roms all ended up in the right directory. But, before I'm going to torment myself with those romset utilities, could the black screen really be caused by this?
Well I just noticed that my problem was a dumb noob mistake. I installed everything as subfolders in the game folder, hence the roms weren't being found at games\mamgp2x\roms. I just moved the whole mamegp2x folder to the root directory and everything works fine now. Maybe that's your problem Sane?
Yep, that was the problem :D

Never occured to me that it had to be in the root folder, most games that require that mention it in the readme. But now I have a new problem, it seems that pressing select to insert credits doesn't work :(

edit: Hmm seems it's only a problem with some games, I had tested 4 and non worked, but in Tetris it works fine. weird...