Mame Performance


Jul 17, 2011
Hey All,

I just recently acquired an f-200 and so far I've gotten many Mame games to work on both Mame4all, and Mame gp2x 4.1 (which I believe is the most recent version.) I found a Neogeo emulator called GnGeo online, but I'm not even sure if it is supposed to work for the f-200?

Anyway, I'm having trouble getting a lot of the bigger classic arcade games ( King Of Fighters series, Street Fighter II) to work correctly...everything runs just so slow. Can someone please help me figure out how to work with the settings ( Video clock, mhz, video sync.. etc) All of that stuff that might be able to help me play these games in normal speed and sound?

I found a YouTube video of someone playing Marvel VS. Capcom but seeing how slow these other games run, I don't even see how that is possible.

Thanks for anyone's help!
MAME4ALL (or MAME GP2X) isn't optimized or can't run those larger/newer games; use the more system-specific emulators for them.

CPS2emu for CPS-2 games.
GnGeo2x for NeoGeo games.
FBA2X for CPS-1, Cave, Toaplan, and others (can also run CPS-2 & NeoGeo games).

Download them here:

Some of the games require specific ROM sets, and the larger games may require cache files.

Read the readme and search the forums for more information on how to run each emulator. B)
Manjuu thanks for your response!

It says that NeoGeo emulator is for the F100 operating system, so I couldn't get it to work :(

how do I create these caches necessary ?
zsonance said:
It says that NeoGeo emulator is for the F100 operating system, so I couldn't get it to work :(
I have a F200, and GnGeo2x works. (The "Operating Systems" listed is outdated.)

Can you elaborate on what happens?

What game(s) are you trying to run?

Do you have the BIOS files it also needs?

Try to run the older and smaller NeoGeo games first, like "Metal Slug 1" or "The King of Fighter '94". They won't need cache files and are unencrypted. This is to test if your emulator and ROMs work.

zsonance said:
how do I create these caches necessary ?
The readme should have instructions on how to do this for GnGeo2x, CPS2emu, or FBA2X. If not, there were guides posted before about this; try searching for them.

Generally, you will use the program that comes with the emulator to create the cache files. They need a Windows PC (might work in Linux using Wine) and are command-line programs. If you supply a supported & correct ROM set (and BIOS files), it should generate a cache file.
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Ok so the first time i tried to install GnGeo it didn't work, but I just installed it again and now it works.

Metal slug runs perfectly, except no sound

tried King Of Fighters 98' but it froze when trying to create the GFX dump file (i'm guessing that's the same as a cache file)
Maybe I have the wrong rom set for KOF98?
Hey fellas, thanks again for your help!
I just used the dumpgfx for windows to get King Of Fighters 98' to run! Its runs smoothly, but still have no sound.

In GnGeo, i can't figure out to configure the settings for the MHZ, sound etc.
Have you turned on the "Activate Sound" in the options menu of Rage2x (GnGeo2x's front-end)? :huh:
Manjuu said:
Have you turned on the "Activate Sound" in the options menu of Rage2x (GnGeo2x's front-end)? :huh:

Hey Manjuu, yes I found the option to select the sound on finally :\ I feel silly.

Now I've found myself with a couple of other problems.

I can't seem to get "dumpgfx"program to dump all roms..some of them it says "can't load etc" but the files are in the correct path.

Also, in GnGeo, the pause screen where you have the optino to save and load, and exit...why does it always seem to freeze when I go to that screen?
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zsonance said:
I can't seem to get "dumpgfx"program to dump all roms..some of them it says "can't load etc" but the files are in the correct path.
dumpgfx (as well as GnGeo2x) relies on the romrc file(s) to work properly. Your ROMs might not be in the format it expects. Aside from the ROM set's filename, the number of files in the set and their filenames (and sizes) must also be correct for dumpgfx or GnGeo2x to load the ROM. Use a text editor to open the romrc file(s) and see what the filenames & sizes of the ROM set you want to run.

Also, make sure to use decrypted C files (i.e. <romname>-c1.bin, c2.bin, c3.bin...) to generate the graphics cache file properly.

Take note though, some games may not be supported at all due to encryption or limitations in GnGeo2x.

zsonance said:
Also, in GnGeo, the pause screen where you have the optino to save and load, and exit...why does it always seem to freeze when I go to that screen?
Is it freezing immediately when that screen shows or when you select "Exit" to quit the emulator? If it's the latter, turn on the "Auto Reload GUI" in the options menu.
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Hey Manjuu thanks again for your reply, and help!

I'm having some trouble understanding what you mean by all these file formats. Do I need to use a text editor and change extentions or filenames for dumpgfx.exe to be able to work with them? Also, I tried to dump the GFX for a ROM, for example,, and dumpgfx.exe said it couldn't load the file. But I loaded the same rom in GnGeo on my GP2X, and just waited about 30 min to and Hour and GnGeo was able to dump the GFX itself.

Are there any other programs beside dumpgfx.exe to use that might be able to help me? If not, can you be more specific on what I need to do? I apologize, I don't have a whole lot of knowledge regarding emulation on these devices yet :)

Thanks again! =)
Ok, so I found this!

and it looks like exactly what i need to be looking at,, hehe ;) I'm going to read through it and see if i can figure this out
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Who replies to posts that are over 5 years old?

Perhaps you should try to do the MAME stuff then :P
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