F-200 Vs Mame


Still Fresh
Nov 12, 2007
got my f-200 last thursday, and i'm having a couple of issues. Although vektar is wonderful, The only mame roms that will run are Tempest, Asteroids, and Tac/Scan. Asteroids plays well, though the controls are a bit weird, and tempest plays well. Tacscan, one of my old favs from the arcade, is not very playable in the 3d zoom stage, but it plays ok otherwise. But nothing else will load. i get the Load Failed, press 'A' blah...
So my question is, is there a problem with mame on the f200? i bought it for mame, so i hope not.
What i'd love to know is if any other f200 users have been able to play zaxxon, or xevious, or any of the cruisin / speed driving games? if I could get just one of those running, it might help me figure out how to get others going. I'm not afraid of a little editing - i'm not a programmer by any stretch, but i do write php, actionscript, and javascript.
The steps i have taken so far is:
-installed mame - /mamegp2x
-used clrmamepro on all my roms, and put them in /mamegp2x/roms/

They all show up in mame, but as i mentioned next to none of them play.

If mame is a no-go with these games on the f200, then maybe someone could tell me about the psp emu? if i can be sure that it will work, i will go buy some psp games.

thanx for any advice you can give.
rokdcasbah said:
you need to either rebuild your roms, or get older builds. check your inbox.
i think i have a similar problem with some. can i check my in box too pleeze :P
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