Mame 4.7 Rom Sets [please Help !]


Still Fresh
Aug 30, 2007
Hello all,

I have been using MameGP2x for a while now. I ran all my rom sets through the latest version of ClrMamePro, with the clrmamepro dat file that is supplied with MameGP2x.

I am confused as to why so many rom sets are not working. During testing the latest release of MameGP2x 4.7 I found around 366 rom sets of those supported by MameGP2x fail to load, including others which produce a black screen or trashed sprites or colours.

I am even more confused as to why the author states Outrun, Space Harrier and Super Hang On are now working, because they do not work at all. Has anyone else in the forum got them working ? :huh:

I have carefully read the ClrMame tutorial written by Evildragon and Shinneri for converting my sets from this page: before posting to the message board so hopefully someone can shed some light on my above questions.

Thank you for your help

That games work perfectly (only a few games are not working even with the correct rom:Nba Jam, Narc, MK1, MK2,...)

Better use google and you will find a complete and verified pack for the 4.7 mame ;)

Magic words: gp2x torrents
Rivroner said:
That games work perfectly (only a few games are not working even with the correct rom:Nba Jam, Narc, MK1, MK2,...)

Better use google and you will find a complete and verified pack for the 4.7 mame ;)

Magic words: gp2x torrents
Thank you for the info. Only problem is I do not have my own internet connected PC with BitTorrent installed.

Obviously, I need an http download link which I cannot ask for on the forum. Maybe someone would be kind enough to send me a URL via private mail ?

Thanks all,
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amigajunkie said:
Rivroner said:
That games work perfectly (only a few games are not working even with the correct rom:Nba Jam, Narc, MK1, MK2,...)

Better use google and you will find a complete and verified pack for the 4.7 mame ;)

Magic words: gp2x torrents
Thank you for the info. Only problem is I do not have my own internet connected PC with BitTorrent installed.

Obviously, I need an http download link which I cannot ask for on the forum. Maybe someone would be kind enough to send me a URL via private mail ?

Thanks all,

Sorry, i don´t understand what are you asking for O_o

The romset is only avalaible in torrent form, you have to install a torrent program (Bitlord is what i use) and go to gp2x torrents site (use google) and find the torrent.
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