Mame 1.5 Wip


Sep 12, 2004
I see on the GP32Spain boards Franxis has posted some Mame 1.5 WIP news.

Hola gente...

He estado estos días bastante entretenido con el port del MAME... Os cuento las novedades que podreis encontrar en la próxima versión 1.5 que seguramente sacaré el próximo finde:

1. Scaling/Stretching por hardware en modo de pantalla horizontal y vertical. 

2. Single video buffer -> más velocidad.

3. Nuevos juegos soportados:

- Tumble Pop (sonido muy limitado)

- Varios juegos de dec8 (Last Mission, Super Real Darwin, Gondomania, Captain Silver, etc). También he arreglado la velocidad del Psychno Nicks Oscar, ahora el juego va a la velocidad correcta (más rápido) pero se entrecorta más el sonido  .

- Three Wonders: Nunca me lo habría imaginado, ya que me lo he encontrado de rebote añadiendo soporte para otros juegos, pero en el MAME 0.35b3 se mejora el soporte de este juego. Se ve y se juega perfectamente sin fallos gráficos aparentes en el primer juego (Midnight Wanderers), en el segundo (Charriots) si se ve algun cuadradote negro... En fin disculpas, creia recordar q este juego no estaba bien emulado hasta versiones muy superiores del MAME...

- CPS-1 con Q-Sound: Warriors of Fate, Punisher, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Muscle Bomber, Slam Master, etc. Sin sonido, ya que el Q-Sound se emuló en el MAME unos añitos después del MAME 0.35b3... pero genial de velocidad (yo diría que no hay frameskip, y con el scaling de pantalla genial).

- Supuestamente en el MAME 0.35b3 la velocidad de emulación de los juegos de CPS-1 es menor, pero no he encontrado diferencias aparentes, y teniendo en cuenta el Three Wonders y los juegos de Q-Sound, creo que voy a quedarme con estas modificaciones 

No sé si añadiré alguna cosa más... Me gustaría añadir el soporte para TV Out, pero todavía no tengo ni el firmware adecuado instalado ni el cable (solo el cablecillo que vende GPH, al que tendré que acoplar al menos 3 cables alargadores y un conversor s-video bufff). También las opciones permanentemente aplazadas (grabar config, cambio de velocidad de cpu de la gp2x, etc). Veremos. También me gustaría añadir más juegos, pero a partir del MAME 0.35b8 se vuelve más complicado añadirlos (intenté el Prehistoric Isle del MAME 0.35b11 y parecía bastante lioso hacerlo).


Can anyone translate this? :P
Altavista Babel Fish Translation:

"Hello people... I have been these days entertained enough with port of SUCKS... I tell the new features you that podreis to find in next version 1,5 which surely I will remove next finde: 1, Scaling/Stretching by hardware in way of horizontal and vertical screen. 2, Single video buffer - more speed. 3. New supported games: - Pop Tumble (sound very limited) - Several games of dec8 (Last Mission, Super Real Darwin, Gondomania, Captain Silver, etc). Also I have fixed to the speed of the Psychno Nicks Oscar, now the game goes to the correct speed (more express) but entrecorta plus the sound. - Three Wonders: Me it would never have imagined it, since me I have found adding it by ricochet support for other games, but in IT SUCKS 0.35b3 improves the support of this game. It is seen and one gambles perfectly without apparent graphical failures in the first game (Midnight Wanderers), in the second (Charriots) if algun is seen cuadradote black... In aim excuses, creia to remember east q game well was not emulated until very superior versions of SUCKS... - CPS-1 with Q-Sound: Warriors of Fate, Punisher, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Muscle Bomber, Slam Masters, etc. Without sound, since the Q-Sound was emulated in SUCKS añitos after SUCKS 0.35b3... but brilliant of speed (I would say that there is no frameskip, and with scaling of brilliant screen). - Supposedly in IT SUCKS 0.35b3 the speed of emulation of the CPS-1 games is smaller, but I have not found differences apparent, and considering the Three Wonders and the games of Q-Sound, I believe that I am going to remain with these modifications I do not know if I will add some thing more... I would like to add the support for TV Out, but still I have neither firmware suitable installed nor the cable (single cablecillo that sells GPH, to that I will have to connect 3 cables at least stretchers and a converter s-video bufff). Also the options permanently postponed (to record config, speed change of CPU of gp2x, etc). We will see. Also I would like to add more games, but from SHE SUCKS 0.35b8 becomes more complicated to add them (I tried the Prehistoric Isle of SHE SUCKS 0.35b11 and it seemed enough lioso to do it). Salu2"

Hmm... does it really suck THAT much? :lol:
some edits for readability since i have nothing better to do...

"Podreis" = "will" [future tense of can]

So he's announcing that this is what will definitely be in the next release (I think that's what that phrase means...but I know a little Italian & no Spanish)
"Entrecorta" means it "breaks up", so either the speed increase wrecks the sound, or enabling sound creates speed problems, I'm guessing it's the former. Based on that:

I have fixed the speed of Psychno Nicks Oscar, it now goes the correct speed (faster) but the sound breaks up more.
Three Wonders...Not totally sure, but... I don't believe this because I wasn't working directly on this game, but the support is better than in 0.35b3. "Midnight Wanderers" plays well and there's no graphical problems. [Then I think he says] Picking "Chariots" crashes to a black screen. But I seem to remember this game not emulating in older versions of MAME.


Supposedly in 0.35b5 the speed of CPS-1 games is slower, but I don't see a difference, so I think I'm going to keep the modifications. I don't know if I'll add more -- I'd like to add support for TV-Out but I don't have the correct firmware or the cable. Also the permanently postponed options (save config, overclock, etc) (more likely: the things that have been on the back burner for a while). I'd like to add more games but after beta 8 it gets more complicated (I tried Prehistoric Isle from 0.35b11 and it seemed quite confusing to do it).
"Hello people... I have been these days some entertained with port of mame... I will tell you the new features you will find in next version 1,5 which surely I will remove next weekend: 1, Scaling/Stretching by hardware in way of horizontal and vertical screen. 2, Single video buffer - more speed. 3. New supported games: - Pop Tumble (sound very limited) - Several games of dec8 (Last Mission, Super Real Darwin, Gondomania, Captain Silver, etc). Also I have fixed to the speed of the Psychno Nicks Oscar, now the game runs with the correct speed (more accurate) but the sounds break up.
- Three Wonders: i would never have imagined it, since me I have found adding it by ricochet support for other games, but mame 0.35b3 improves the support of this game. Seem to be fully playable without apparent graphical failures in the first game (Midnight Wanderers), in the second (Charriots) appear some black squares... Excuse me, i dont remember east q game well was not emulated until very superior versions of Mame...

- CPS-1 with Q-Sound: Warriors of Fate, Punisher, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Muscle Bomber, Slam Masters, etc. Without sound, since the Q-Sound was emulated in mame some years later ... but runs well of speed (I would say that there is no frameskip, and with scaling of brilliant screen).

- Supposedly in mame 0.35b3 the speed of emulation of the CPS-1 games is smaller (than the earlier version), but I have not found any reasonable differences, and considering the Three Wonders and the games of Q-Sound, I believe that I am going to remain with these modifications I do not know if I will add something more... I would like to add the support for TV Out, but still I havent the correct firmware installed and the cable too (the single cable that sells GPH, to that I will have to connect 3 cables extensions and a converter s-video bufff). Also the options permanently postponed (record config, speed change of CPU of gp2x, etc). We will see. Also I would like to add more games, but from mame 0.35b8 becomes more complicated to add them (I tried the Prehistoric Isle mame 0.35b11 and it seemed enough crazy to do it).

this its a more accurate translations ^^
Sorry for adding the news only in, i forgot to write here too... :unsure:

Fast write...

Next weekend it will be a new MAME GP2X version (1.5) and will have at least this news:
1. Hardware Scaling/Stretching (in horizontal and vertical screen mode).
2. Single video buffer (faster).
3. New supported games:
- Tumble Pop (incomplete sound)
- Some Dec0 games (Last Mission, Super Real Darwin, Gondomania, Captain Silver, etc).
- CPS-1 with Q-Sound chip (no sound support): Warriors of Fate, Punisher, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, etc.
4. Game fixes: Three Wonders running ok. Also fixed Psycho Nicks Oscar speed.

Regards and sorry again. :lol:
Thanks for the news :) Looking forward to the scaling/stretching feature a lot ... will this allow us to play games that previously didn't fit the screen?

(I don't want to assume anything here ;))
Can you try the games Paperboy, Toobin or 720. These were the games I have noticed do not fit on the screen correctly.
Thanks for more great work!

Great!! Thanks for the update. (Expect a donation soon ;-))

Any chance to get 'In the Hunt' going? I think it is in .35 (or is it 0.36?)


Franxis posted on Feb 1 2006 at 05:55 PM said:
Sorry for adding the news only in, i forgot to write here too... :unsure:

Fast write...

Next weekend it will be a new MAME GP2X version (1.5) and will have at least this news:
1. Hardware Scaling/Stretching (in horizontal and vertical screen mode).
2. Single video buffer (faster).
3. New supported games:
- Tumble Pop (incomplete sound)
- Some Dec0 games (Last Mission, Super Real Darwin, Gondomania, Captain Silver, etc).
- CPS-1 with Q-Sound chip (no sound support): Warriors of Fate, Punisher, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, etc.
4. Game fixes: Three Wonders running ok. Also fixed Psycho Nicks Oscar speed.

Regards and sorry again. :lol:

Will you be able to disable stretching and play at 1:1 or is it the only option now?
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