Mame 0.106 Not Saving High-Scores, Only Nvram


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
So, I know that the Pandora port of MAME 0.106 has the hiscore.dat file included. However, I'm finding that my high scores aren't being saved. A quick check in the appdata directory for the app reveals that the directory where high scores are meant to be ("hi") is empty, but the nvram one is not.

Is anyone else experiencing this? What can I do to fix it?
I just tried it and it appears there is no hiscore.dat in the PND and the hiscore.dat location is set to usr/local/share/xmame/hiscore.dat.

The hiscore_file variable (sets location of hiscore.dat) needs to be added to (inside the PND) as :

OPTS="$OPTS -hiscore_file ."

And then rebuild the PND.

This should allow hiscore.dat to be placed in the mame.106 appdata folder and be recognized.


I did:

usr/local/share/xmame/hiscore.dat (where the default config points to in NAND)

1. Create the usr/local/share/xmame/ directory stucture in NAND (use " sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/xmame/ " in terminal)

2. Change the owner of that path to your account (use " chown -hR your_account_login_here /usr/local "

3. Copy hiscore.dat into usr/local/share/xmame/ (use the GUI file manager or terminal)

And now it saves high scores to the appdata/mame.106/hi folder

This ~190k hiscore.dat file is read-only so it shouldn't harm the NAND.

Get hiscore.dat from

Extract the hiscore(pre_mame0133u1).dat file from

Rename hiscore(pre_mame0133u1).dat to hiscore.dat and copy it into usr/local/share/xmame/

No promises, but if no one else does I'll probably have a look at integrating Pickle Launcher into this port and rebuild the PND.
@dgame - Thanks for taking a look, but the version I'm using does have hiscore.dat in the PND (there was a later one, which will pop up an error if a game can't be run, instead of failing silently), which is what puzzles me. (EDIT: Or not. How odd. :blink: I guess the utmp mount was showing the directory where I'd tried putting it originally, rather than the guts of the PND.)

I'll give your workaround a look when I've got a moment - I have no concerns about putting something that tiny on the NAND. :)

EDIT: This works! Thankyou most kindly! :D