Making A Light For My Non Flu Gp32


Programer Guru! the making
Feb 2, 2004
well, due to the recent discovery of the flu problems and lack of dinero...
I am prolly gonna buy a non-flu gp32
however.. I had heard that some people had made ther own light out of the ext port.
I had done the similar thing with my GB a while back, but it only had like 4 or 6 prongs, not like 18


does anyone have any advice, or a walkthrough, or anything to help me make a light for my gp32

and could some one verify that the gp32 screen isnt as bad as the GBA's

NEVER EVER compare the gp32's lcd to a gba's lcd... the gp32's lcd kicks the gba's lcd's ass, a lot... a LOT....a lot...a LOT.
azure you have a cool signature

i don't no either and i would really like to no seeing how i don't have a flu
" What signals are found on the gp32 EXT connector?

Pins: 1=3.3v, 2=nRESET, 3=nTRST, 4=JTAG[TDI], 5=JTAG[TMS], 6=JTAG[TCK], 7=JTAG[TDO], 8=AIN0, 9=RXD0/GPF0, 10=TXD0/GPF2, 11=IIC-bus[SCL], 12=IIC-bus[SDA], 13=nRTS0/GPF4, 14=nCTS0/GPF5, 15=RXD1/GPF1, 16=TXD1/GPF3, 17=NoConnection(?), 18=Ground

Refer to the CPU data sheet for more info on these signals. "

found that on the net....
anyone care to help me and anyone else who needs help?
I need a pic cause the light should go to 1 and 18 right? now just which ones are wich?


just found a pdf from a guy on irc...
it says they are #d from left to right
well, that helps, now i just need to know, is there a easy or cheap ( dosnt have to be both) way to make this light?
i didn't understand much of that but nerd of nerds installed a light on his gp32.

if you search around the site you'll probably find it.

i hope that helps
A wormlight mod is available on my site for purchase, I'm currently working on internal frontlighting on the GP32, more on that in the next few weeks.

Go there for ideas, or e-mail me with any specific questions, I might be able to help.

Yes, the GP LCD is better then GBA but you still need good light. Please don't buy a non-flu unit. If you don't have the money yet just wait 2 months more or so and by a flu unit. Its _much_ more better.

Get a GBA Worm light, Get a GP32 EXT Port connector...

Find out which wire is Positive and which is Negative on the GBA Worm light...

Remove all the pins EXCEPT Pin 1 and Pin 18...

Solder the Positive Wire to Pin 1 and the Negative wire to Pin 18 (Make a check before soldering by putting the EXT Port connector into the GP32 and touching the 2 Wires of the GBA Worm light to Pins 1 and 18 to make sure you solder them to the right Polarity)...

Use Hot glue to hold the thick wormlight in place in side the EXT Connector...

Now you have a GP32 Worm light :D...
diablo2 posted on Feb 29 2004 at 05:17 AM said:
i didn't understand much of that but nerd of nerds installed a light on his gp32.

if you search around the site you'll probably find it.

i hope that helps
yeah, but i wouldn't recoment it unless you REALLY want to mod something... only for the ture modder with mad skillz... altho that was just a prototype that i made... the finished one will fit inside the gp32's casing and not be able to be seen...the light it makes will be able to be seen tho... ;)
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i wouldnt compare a wormlight to a gp32 flu the wormlight kinda reflects off the screen,
but yes there is a problem a few people have broken flu's (me) or a fried GP32 but i think craig fixes them for free if you get your's off of
Mash posted on Feb 29 2004 at 06:48 AM said:
I'm currently working on internal frontlighting on the GP32, more on that in the next few weeks.
Yes!!! Yesyesyesyesyesyes! Wicked! Is this going to be a mod that you can do yourself, or do we need to send our GP32s to you?
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geo12 posted on Feb 29 2004 at 01:33 PM said:
i wouldnt compare a wormlight to a gp32 flu the wormlight kinda reflects off the screen,
If you Get the Wormlight on a Perfect Angle, you get No Reflection...
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Steve-O posted on Feb 29 2004 at 02:39 PM said:
geo12 posted on Feb 29 2004 at 01:33 PM said:
i wouldnt compare a wormlight to a gp32 flu the wormlight kinda reflects off the screen,
If you Get the Wormlight on a Perfect Angle, you get No Reflection...
or you could just save a little more and then u can just press a button and have a perfect evenly lit bright screen ;).
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