Question About The Flu's Light

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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I've had my wonderful GP32 for about a month now, and noticed the light guide has a gold-colored stip along the bottom of the screen. I also have a GBA, and installed an AfterBurner light mod, and this gold-colored strip appears in the AB as well. My question is, did the GP32 always have the lighted and non-lighted versions from launch, or did the FLU come later? The GBA came out the same year as the GP32 (2001), correct? If so, I was wondering if perhaps Triton Labs was inspired by the GP32 FLU.
The gp32 was out for awhile before the FLU came out. The flu is acctually very similar to the gba after burner. Game park does not acctually make the light thats used in the flu they just make the system and have another company install the light afterwards. I suppose you could call it a mod which is some what offical. The after burnr came out for the gba awhile before the flu came out so I suppose you could say that gp32 could have taken the ida from the gba.