Lynx Emulator


Erm.... Woohoo!
Mar 31, 2004
Pittsburg, KS
I badly want a working Lynx emulator on the Wiz.  I have a copy of the old Handy alpha, but there is no GUI, it only loads what it's told in a script, there are no volume controls, and the sound is crackly and generally awful.
I've noticed that there are Handy SDL sources out there under the name Handy320 that seem to be meant to run on the Dingoo A320 under OpenDingux.  How hard does anyone think it'd be to make a port of that over to the Wiz, and do you think the results would be good?  I can't try it out on my Dingoo as I can't run OpenDingux due to my lack of a Mini SD card.
I'm tempted to take a crack at it myself, although I'm pretty inexperienced with programming (I have one semester of introductory C++ under my belt, and a couple of semesters programming microcontrollers in assembly, but I've only ever done one port of anything from one platform to another that wound up working), so if anyone would like to take it on before I do, please give me a heads-up!
[I can't run OpenDingux due to my lack of a Mini SD card.
Seriously, the lack of a mini/micro SD is preventing you from running OpenDingux? - (strangely the 4GB is more expensive than the 8GB)
As for porting the emulator, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. You've got nothing to lose and lots to gain, even if it is just experience.
iprice said:
[I can't run OpenDingux due to my lack of a Mini SD card.
Seriously, the lack of a mini/micro SD is preventing you from running OpenDingux? - (strangely the 4GB is more expensive than the 8GB)
As for porting the emulator, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. You've got nothing to lose and lots to gain, even if it is just experience.
A Micro SD needs an adapter, so even though I have two of them, I can't use either one in my Dingoo.  I haven't bought a Mini SD yet 'cause it's just not something I think about that often.  If I saw one in a brick and mortar store around here, I'd probably pick one up, but it's just not something I think about specifically looking for.
Anyway, I guess I'm trying to get a development environment working now.   I've got some existing Wiz source code compiling by now, but I haven't tested it to see if it actually runs yet.
EDIT: Finally got the code I mentioned above running.  I was compiling DrillWiz Xtreme and it wasn't running, but that turns out it's due to the fact that I didn't have the right version of libmikmod in my toolchain.  I finally just compiled the newest version and shoved the new library in the directory with the game, and that seemed to work fine (although I don't think I used the right optimization flags, as the new library is about twice as large as the old one).  I guess soon I'll check and see if I can get the Handy320 code compiling at all.
Hi Jmetal 88,
You post in my WS4ALL thread and now I've got an idea for a new project: a "bible" with all emulators (and maybe some reviews too) for download for Wiz (up to 2014).

I was searching for a good Lynx emulator: do you know if handy is the only one working?
Have you tried to boot Ginge and use emulators from GP2X?

Hers's a youtube video:
I tried the GP2X Lynx emulator under GINGE a couple of years ago, and it didn't work.  Haven't tried again since.
Yeah, the Handy beta is the only Lynx emulator I know of that even runs on the Wiz, and it's not great.
So, I have an update on Handy320.  I have it compiling and it starts to run, but it doesn't get far.  When I run it in Termula, it gives a message about SDL starting up, then the screen goes black and it returns to Termula with a segmentation fault.  It's probably over my head to figure it out, so if anyone else is interested, by all means give it a shot!
I got a gp32 too... do you know if there is a good lynx emulator for the gp32?

What do you think about my "project"? Do you think is it possible to make a "bible2 for Wiz emulators?

Thanks jmetal
GP32 actually does have a good Lynx emulator, although it's a must to overclock if you want games to be playable with sound:,1,0,0,5,12
Honestly, I only ever play Chip's Challenge on it, though, so I'm not sure how it performs with other games.
I'd continue just using my GP32, it's just that both of my GP32s have damaged screens (the backlit one has a missing column of pixels and the frontlit one has a horribly scratched light guide, thanks to my obsession with getting dust out from under it).
Hirolaser said:
The GP2X had an excellent Lynx emu afaik
Yeah, GP2X Handy by tusken raider. Really good emulator, has a scanline mode as well. The last version (v0.1g) was screwy though. Viking Child and Dracula stopped working properly, and the speech in Chequered Flag was corrupt. Version '0.1f' is the most compatible version in which these games worked fine. v0.1f for compatibily, v0.1g for speed. Paperboy doesn't work past 'day1' in any version.
You guys are making me wish I never got rid of my GP2X now.  I had a First Edition, though, and couldn't stand the joystick.  If I ever have enough money when I come across an F200 for sale, I'd go for it in a heartbeat (but there will not be a single point this summer when that will happen, haha).
EDIT: Actually, nevermind.  I'd probably go for a GCW Zero first.  I hope its LCD is better than the Dingoo's.  The big reason I haven't invested in my Dingoo so much is because the LCD's contrast and black level bugs me.
I would just love to see a linx emulator for the caanoo...can´t make the ginge thing work here :(
I do own a functional linx, but half of my games are gone and the lcd is kind of banding. Still very playable and joy and buttons are perfects(after 20 years of heavy use). I run a couple games every now and then. I thought the caanoo could become a replacement on that but naah. Even on PC the linx emulation is not quite complete, there must be a way to have it on link people can play the alien on xenophobe....that must be worth gold lingots!
I was working on port to Caanoo (from the dingux version) but recently had an hard disk crash (and didn't have made a backup... :angry: ) and lost all my works on it.
Anyway after this i have setup another PC and i'm trying to setup the toolchains i may retry to port it.