Lynx Emulator would be great

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Still Fresh
May 12, 2003
It would be great to see someone porting the Atari Lynx emulator Handy to the GP32! To play Chips Challenge on a handheld again! :D :rolleyes:

Unfortunately Handy is (still) closed source but I am reasonable sure the author can be convinced as ports to platforms like Macintosh and Linux done by others exists...
I agree it would be cool, as many systems as possible!

As for chips challenge, I believe there is an Atari ST version, I found it on a disk once by accident, not sure of the #, but probably in the automation set. I never played it or other versions before so I can't say it is good/bad/etc.
I think Lynx emu based on Handy is currently being ported over to GP32.. I read about it on #gp32dev :blink:
chips challenge - there's a game i haven't touched for ages. I picked it up wayyyy back, it became one of the most involved games I'd ever laid my hands on... highly recommended (talk about your sleeper hits)

I would love a lynx emu too, my system is here with me but it doesn't get much use anymore - the thing is is so big and bulky and unwieldy, pretty cool though - it's a piece of history!
chips challenge was on most home computers, as were APB and Klax...Slime World was on Genesis...Viking Child was on some other systems (I can't remember what though). The lynx would be good if it was emulated, but I wouldn't really say it's high priority. Most of its games were ports or ported.
Rygar! The best version IMHO.

I was wonderin if there was going to be a port of handy...

It'll be nice to play Lynx games with more than 10 mins battery life!
Chip's Challenge, the most classic Sokoban variant, is on PP76. Grab it at Joe's.

*Hazey is surprised to find that DrJones hasn't replied to this topic yet...* As he was constantly poking me about a Lynx-emu for the GP32.

Can't to wait to find out. Another emu is always welcome, especially when it's a Lynx-one. :)
Thanks for the Tip about the Atari ST version of Chips Challenge!

However I still hold up my voice, playing the lynx "original" on the GP32 would be *waay cool* :)
never played the lynx, butthe games look really good

is this do'able?

Rather have a Genesis or Amiga first though

Another vote for Lynx emulation!
I'm so sad the existing port won't run on my shiny new GP2X-Wiz :(
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