Lug Presentation


Sep 4, 2005
So, I made the mistake of letting my local LUG know I've got a GP2X, and now they want me to do a presentation on it :)

No problem there, but I'm happy to admit my ignorance about many aspects of the GP2X. I use it to play movies & Doom and the like, but I've never gotten around to using MAME or Drmd or anything - It got bricked by the first firmware update and has only just been JTAGed back to life, so I'm behind the times.

So, to give a complete presentation, and who knows, maybe even get some more dev-types interested in owning a GP2X, I'd like some suggestions as to stuff to install on my GP2X to show it off to its best advantage.

I own a First Edition and a BoB, and I'm already happily using ported games like Nethack, Prboom, and Supertux. But I know there's a lot more it can do. So:

- What are the most impressive games to demonstrate on an emulator?

- What are the best homebrew games to show off?

- What practical software is available? (Qtopia's been ported, hasn't it..?)

- What amazing developments are we expecting to come out soon?

And so on.

Naturally, I'll be making the presentation slides available online should anybody else want to do a similar talk. Any suggestions on what to include to really impress people with the GP2X's capabilities would therefore be most gratefully accepted, especially since I may well be showing the GP2X off at the local computer fayre in two weeks as part of the LUG promotional drive, and could hand out printouts of some of the slides as advertising material there too :)
- What are the most impressive games to demonstrate on an emulator?

Any of the Neo-Geo games will be sure to impress.

- What are the best homebrew games to show off?

Vektar, Extender (my faves)

- What practical software is available? (Qtopia's been ported, hasn't it..?)

It's all practical ;)

- What amazing developments are we expecting to come out soon?

PSX ... many good things to come ...
How long you got? The demo comp closes on Monday so there should be some cool stuff to show. May want to chat about the second CPU too, all my programmer friends ears prick up when I talk about using both the cpu's! :)
1) What the hell is a LUG? Edit: Just read the title. Someone really should beat my ass for that.
2) Most impressive things.. For sure the Neo-Geo emulator. If the LUG is somewhat with informatic, show something like an emulator of an old computer. Like the amiga or something. And the PSX-Emulator. Maybe mame, snes and megadrive as well.
3) Homebrew. The commercial games like Vektar, maybe the payback demo. Also show ports of linux games like SuperTux.
4) Usefull stuff. If possible show that's possible to go online with the gp2x. Needs some work, but it's do-able. To get some more dev's also tell that's possible to code in fenix, c++ with sdl, pygame, allegro etc. And telnet into it, will get you a lot of points.
5) A gba emu. Bigger projects like stargazer, the simple rpg and so on.
Vimacs posted on Jul 27 2006 at 11:20 PM said:
Hook it up to a pc and ssh into it, should be all you need to amaze them :-)
Agreed - all these guys are linux fans, they will be interested in the games as well as the linux bits so:

as said shell into it over a usb ip connection to a pc and run:

ps -ef
df -k
cd round the directory structure

create a little bash script (if you know how and run it)
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Some of the nicer GP2X-only titles like TileMatch. And get someone to try Spout (Note: you may never see your 2X again).
It's a LUG, right? So I'd try to show off something in where the operating system, i.e. Linux, actually matters. Even though the Neo Geo (and PSX to some extent) emulation is impressive and all, it could be done on other OSes or in HH-mode and really doesn't relate to what the group is about. I'd say you should show off something which is typical for Linux or UNIX- and UNIX-like systems in general, i.e. X11 or vim in a terminal emulator (sterm) or whatever. Plus, not all of the guys at a LUG might be interested in retro gaming, but they're certainly interested in Linux, so...
Hook up the GP2X to the projector (with wifi or a hardwired connection for network access)

Use VNC to access your computer at home.

Run your presentation from there that outlines the capabilities of the 2x

Finish your slides by revealing that you've been running it through VNC on your 2x

Drop into the latest sterm, ssh into your machine, and play a movie from your hard drive through the projector.

Then demo all the great games that people have been suggesting. However at this point you might want to keep a close eye on your GP2X if you let other people play while you talk about its capabilities - they might get excited about it and it might just "disappear" while its out of your hands ;)
BattleCattle posted on Jul 27 2006 at 06:44 PM said:
Hook up the GP2X to the projector (with wifi or a hardwired connection for network access)

Use VNC to access your computer at home.

Run your presentation from there that outlines the capabilities of the 2x

Finish your slides by revealing that you've been running it through VNC on your 2x

Drop into the latest sterm, ssh into your machine, and play a movie from your hard drive through the projector.

Then demo all the great games that people have been suggesting. However at this point you might want to keep a close eye on your GP2X if you let other people play while you talk about its capabilities - they might get excited about it and it might just "disappear" while its out of your hands ;)
What are you talking about? I am totally confused. Can someone please explain. I didnt even know gp2x had vnc.
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I'm booked in for late September, so I've plenty of time to spare. I'll be highlighting things like the hardware & built-in functionality too, of course, but I know about those- they're built-in :) It's the "Look what *else* you can make it do!" stuff that I really need the help with..

So, the current list seems to be:

Emu'd games: Neo-Geo

Homebrew games: Vektar, Spout

Ported games: Doom, Quake, Supertux, Nethack

Practical: "Linuxy" stuff like telnet, X11, Qtopia, etc. Assuming I can figure out how to get it all working ;)

Coming soon: GBA, PSX

Does anybody know if the movie player supports aalib? It's mplayer-based, after all. . .
whiskthecat posted on Jul 28 2006 at 02:16 AM said:
BattleCattle posted on Jul 27 2006 at 06:44 PM said:
Hook up the GP2X to the projector (with wifi or a hardwired connection for network access)

Use VNC to access your computer at home.

Run your presentation from there that outlines the capabilities of the 2x

Finish your slides by revealing that you've been running it through VNC on your 2x

Drop into the latest sterm, ssh into your machine, and play a movie from your hard drive through the projector.

Then demo all the great games that people have been suggesting. However at this point you might want to keep a close eye on your GP2X if you let other people play while you talk about its capabilities - they might get excited about it and it might just "disappear" while its out of your hands ;)
What are you talking about? I am totally confused. Can someone please explain. I didnt even know gp2x had vnc.
There's a VNC in Qtopia.
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oneandoneis2 posted on Jul 27 2006 at 10:09 PM said:
So, I made the mistake of letting my local LUG know I've got a GP2X, and now they want me to do a presentation on it :)

No problem there, but I'm happy to admit my ignorance about many aspects of the GP2X. I use it to play movies & Doom and the like, but I've never gotten around to using MAME or Drmd or anything - It got bricked by the first firmware update and has only just been JTAGed back to life, so I'm behind the times.

I don't know what version of FW you flashed to but 2.0 is far better than the others as they are slooooooooooow to boot etc.
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It was a First Edition - the one with firmware that was so picky about upgrading. Hence the problem.

Having used the BoB to re-flash, it's now using firmware 2.0 and is indeed much, much better. Quicker to start up, and the battery light isn't On the whole time :)