

Still Fresh
Jan 13, 2007

I have had the gp2x for about a year... anyhow around the 6 month the joystick was not working... I could not control left.

Anyhow this is what I did if anyone wants to try... NOTE I will not take any responsibly if you break your gp2x in anyway. Ok this is what I did. In order

1. Open the gp2x with screw driver
2. Remove everything until you reach the Joystick
3. (Cut 2 pin only) from top of the joystick
4. Remove the housing from the joystick - note everything will fall out, spring, lug, cup etc.
5. Have the spring lug cup; be dipped in a solution like degreaser. MAKE SHORE ALL THE GREASE IS COMPLETLY OFF THE LUG. This is what the problem in the joystick was all the time.
6. Spray all peaces with WD40 put everything back

Just do everything in reverse

Well there you have it a brand new joystick it is so good that I don’t even have to barely touch the joystick to move.
I should do something like this one day... I think I have some plastic shavings (from my first joystick mod) stuck in it, because it makes a crunching sound sometimes. Doesn't affect use at all so I haven't bothered doing anything about it.

What do you mean by "cut 2 pin only?"
goodluck - its well worth it

Woo. 2 pins from the side of the joysitck...once you have remove them the joystick will come in dont need to remove the entire joystick of the board.. So you can get into it and clean it.
There is allotting of grease spurting from the lug which makes the joystick not work.
That grease is there to coat the parts to prevent oxidation. I think it will work for awhile after removing the grease but after it oxidizes the stick will be FUBAR.

You can buy replacement sticks at many electronics suppliers. It is a standard ALPS part. Or you could just put a d-pad in like I did :P
That grease is there to coat the parts to prevent oxidation. I think it will work for awhile after removing the grease but after it oxidizes the stick will be FUBAR.

You can buy replacement sticks at many electronics suppliers. It is a standard ALPS part. Or you could just put a d-pad in like I did :P
WD 40 will probably do a better job than the grease will. Also why the hell would they use easily oxidised metals in the bloody stick? I mean thats just stupid.
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Also why the hell would they use easily oxidised metals in the bloody stick? I mean thats just stupid.
I dunno steel makes pretty good springs. Gold isn't so great...

I'd say grease is good for smoothing the motion, as in a viscous resistance to motion. Wd-40 will do a pretty good job at preventing rusting/oxidising. I suppose it all depends in how you like the joystick to feel, though as its digital it probably is better without the grease. I'm just randomly theorizing at this point...

Or was that a joke about the oxidising?
i thought they might use stainless steel etc lol.
Ah - yes... My point exactly... Didn't they?

So perhaps the grease is to reduce wear.... Who started this anyway? :)

They probably did, but stainless steel aint what it used to be.

My father has some vice (vices? vicii? :)) from the 1930s. Big, heavy steel things. They arent even stainless steel, just steel. Theyve spent their entire lives in sheds with questionable roofing, and have been used regularly for almost 80 years.

Not a spot of rust on them. Seriously.

These days you buy 'stainless' steel stuff that already has a fine coat of rust on it before you take it out of the packet. Im pretty sure 'stainless steel' now means 'the cars we recycled to make this crap were mostly steel, werent they?'
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Well its been over a month now. and the joystick on my gp2x is excellent condition. B)