Low Battery Indicator!

The software battery indicator is a much better solution in theory, however, most people would want to use the indicator to tell them when to save with games, especially emulators. That would require code additions and recompliations into our favorite emulators, and we all know how difficult that will be with OpenSNES9xGp and Little John, not even mentioning the emulators and GP32 games without source! So I say an external battery indicator is a good idea for now, until the emulators and games have the code added. Anyway, this external solution doesn't require sodering any wires, which is always good :D

Does anyone have links or knowledge of how to do such an external solution (like the one shown in the original post) with regular 1.7v AA batteries or NiMH 1.5v chargables?
generalnmx posted on Sep 29 2004 at 10:04 PM said:
That would require code additions and recompliations into our favorite emulators, and we all know how difficult that will be with OpenSNES9xGp and Little John, not even mentioning the emulators and GP32 games without source!

But would it? Surely it could work in exactly the same way that emulator save states work - ie you dump the entire memory of the GP32, and then load it back in at a later date, to give you exactly the same state...
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speak with me, "the firmware dont do multitasking, the firmware dont do multitasking, the firmware dont do multitasking, the firmware dont do multitasking"
Gruntfuggly posted on Sep 30 2004 at 03:39 AM said:
generalnmx posted on Sep 29 2004 at 10:04 PM said:
That would require code additions and recompliations into our favorite emulators, and we all know how difficult that will be with OpenSNES9xGp and Little John, not even mentioning the emulators and GP32 games without source!

But would it? Surely it could work in exactly the same way that emulator save states work - ie you dump the entire memory of the GP32, and then load it back in at a later date, to give you exactly the same state...

No, I mean how yoyofr (the author of the above example emulators) isn't available to make those changes.
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