Long And Boring Personal Post,

Best of luck to you. I know how hard it can be to deal with social anxiety. I refuse to call it a disorder though. Disorder implies it's something fundamentally wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you. Everyone gets a little antsy in a crowd sometimes, some people just experience it more than others and have different ways of dealing with it. Some people are allergic to milk but we don't say they have lactose anxiety disorder. :P
In a serious effort to help, you know what helped me conquer my social anxiety? Karaoke. Make yourself pick a song, and when you get called, go up and stand there. Here's the great thing about karaoke: if you suck, it doesn't matter, a lot of people suck and you will get applause if you are off key and muttering the entire time; if you panic, it doesn't matter, everyone panics their first time; if you get up there, blank look and stumbling, freak out and run away, it doesn't matter! When you compose yourself and get back, everyone will be all "don't worry, everyone freaks out their first few times. keep at it and you'll get better" because everyone freaks out their first few times! And you will get better. At least I did. But I only had mild social anxiety, nothing debilitating, just "OMG I don't want to be here" all the time. I probably would have gotten better eventually through natural interaction, it would have just taken longer, so my way may not work for you. This is probably the equivalent of throwing someone into a pool just a little bit too deep in order to teach them to swim.
WizardStan said:
Best of luck to you. I know how hard it can be to deal with social anxiety. I refuse to call it a disorder though. Disorder implies it's something fundamentally wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you. Everyone gets a little antsy in a crowd sometimes, some people just experience it more than others and have different ways of dealing with it. Some people are allergic to milk but we don't say they have lactose anxiety disorder. :P
In a serious effort to help, you know what helped me conquer my social anxiety? Karaoke. Make yourself pick a song, and when you get called, go up and stand there. Here's the great thing about karaoke: if you suck, it doesn't matter, a lot of people suck and you will get applause if you are off key and muttering the entire time; if you panic, it doesn't matter, everyone panics their first time; if you get up there, blank look and stumbling, freak out and run away, it doesn't matter! When you compose yourself and get back, everyone will be all "don't worry, everyone freaks out their first few times. keep at it and you'll get better" because everyone freaks out their first few times! And you will get better. At least I did. But I only had mild social anxiety, nothing debilitating, just "OMG I don't want to be here" all the time. I probably would have gotten better eventually through natural interaction, it would have just taken longer, so my way may not work for you. This is probably the equivalent of throwing someone into a pool just a little bit too deep in order to teach them to swim.

I'd also add that if you're going to do karaoke, pick a cheesy song so you can have fun with it. Then you don't have to worry about the extra anxiety of whether or not you can sing. Something 80's, ideally. Though I've gotten rave reviews for my "Back in Black". B)
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Best of luck trooper.

The first step is recognising you need to seek assistance which you have already done.

You'll be surprised how much better you can feel once you get treatment (either [ spam word ] or therapy or probably a combination of both) and you will learn skills how to lead a fuller and better life.

One word of advice is you need to be fully upfront and honest with the doctor you go to. If you feel your doctor is not being proactive enough, look for another one! Don't just accept no treatment - you're on the road now , so stick with it until you are happy you are getting what you need from the medical folks.

Hope to see you drop by again when better :)


EDIT - the 'spam word' mentioned above was relating to what people take when not feeling well!
Aw, man. Now we can't just yell TROOOPER, and expect him to show up. Calling MAALI, just doesn't have the same ring to it. Plus, he'll have already posted. :rolleyes:
That's a big step, Trooper!
I know you can do it - people can do ANYTHING if they really want :)
(Heck - I bought a GP32 and joined the boards here... now I did help creating a handheld? Never thought that would even be possible!)

The most important thing is that you WANT to do it!
That's always the first, in my opinion hardest step. Once you know you want achieve that goal, there's nothing that could stop you. Sure, there will be hurdles and it won't be easy, but as long as you don't give up, you're going into the right direction!

We will miss you - but hopefully, you will be back at some time. You know - you can go out and have fun AND visit the boards :)

So... good luck! Come back with positive reports!

And if you ever come to good ol' Germany here... be sure to give me a knock so we can go someplace and have a beer!

See ya! :D
Damn I've only just spotted this topic.

There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said by others Trooper so I'll just say this, go for it!

I believe I suffer from the same thing. It's about time I got help too.

Trooper you have been nothing but helpful (and witty) in all my time here, all the best with everything in the future.