Wow. Well this thread certainly made for an interesting read this morning before I head off to college.
Personally, as someone who has grown up in a household and culture that sees the swastika as a symbol of peace and prosperity, I couldn't see it in comradekingu's logo. But I think that regardless of if I see it or not, if some others do, it may be prudent to take that into consideration with future design concepts; not to necessarily change the logo to disassociate it from the symbolism, but to simply be aware of the connotations for the device's image, should some people see the swastika on this product from Germany. I can tell you, though, that most Asians, if they do happen to see it, shouldn't be disturbed. I mean we still use that symbol everywhere, especially in temples/shrines. Heck, Germany has made an exception for Hindus/Buddhists/etc. to be allowed to use the swastika, while displays of the symbol for non-religious purposes are banned.
Er.. I guess that was just a long-winded way of saying that I can't see the symbol in the logo, and that I think comradekingu should do what he wants, taking into account what people have said in this thread. At the end of the day, I'm guessing that the official logo will be decided by a poll, so if people still see the symbol by the time the vote happens, they can simply vote for one of the other designs.