Logo Animations


Jacob Godserv
Sep 13, 2007
I was looking at Eolair's logo, and I got an idea for a bootup animation. After trying and failing to create a demo in Synfig (it came out terribly, so I won't post it here), I decided I'd at least post a description of my idea so that it doesn't go to waste. Possibly someone else could animate it instead, but the highest priority of this post is to get the juices flowing for some creativity.

So, before I begin, here's Eolair's logo for reference:


If there were to be any animation on startup, I thought it'd be cool to take Eolair's Pandora icon (the 3/4 circle with two arrows pointing left and right), give it some intense Gaussian blur, and rotate it slowly, but with the axle of rotation slightly off-center. Then images or bits of text could fade in and out (quickly? slowly?) wherever the icon rotates to. In the center, on top of the rotating logo, would be the Pandora text part of the above logo, just sitting in the center.

I'd like to open up this thread to other ideas for animating other logos, since it'd be unfair if only Eolair's logo got all the attention. ;)
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Could be done with whatever logo/symbol gets chosen in the end. And it should also be interactive. If anything being able to drag/flick the stylus to change the direction of rotation.

Would be very cool, but I'm sceptical as to if it would be possible early enough in the bootup. We wouldn't want to delay the loading of the system anything noticeable. Something cpu/gpu light would be more plausable... ie, without the blur.

For a more wild idea to reduce the cpu/gpu usage, maybe we can make it in 2 bit colour. Should look pretty sweet still on that fine resolution. :lol:
i still think the logo wegg made would be amazing if you could pan around it with the touchscreen like how you can with your mouse on that page while your pandora boots.

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Actually it should use next to no processing power. It would all be offloaded to the GPU. And since that won't be used during the loading process. . . it could be done. And if its user customizable. . . we could have "Wegg's Awesome Pandora!" logo spinning around as it loads.

That'd be cool. :-)
It should show the logo instantly when turned on. The logo being the background of the main menu.
On my Zodiac, the logo only shows when I haven't turned it on in a while. I guess it must stay in some kind of suspend mode most of the time. Only when it decides that you have shelved it for a while does it fully shut down. . . requiring a "full" startup with logo animation. I'd assume thats what we should expect from the Pandora from everything I have read here in the forums.
im not sure what everyone is expecting but i would think that the bootup time would be 10+ seconds, of course you would use standby most of the time but even my mp3 player takes 10 seconds to actually boot.
i had an idea for an animation, would be based off the box logo thats on openpandora.org right now.

the box is sitting in the middle of the screen. a little toon-like animated girl walks over, and either opens the box, or just pokes it. the top flies open, and the word 'pandora' pops out (either as a single unit, or as individual letters in a row) and lands in front of the box (bouncing a time or two maybe), which knocks the 'toon flat on her back. she sits up and shakes her head, then fades out as the box moves over to the side of the word 'pandora' and the 'ultra portability without sacrificing capability' fades in.

maybe too cutesy for this device, i dunno...

i like the idea of the interactive 3d 'pandora' also tho.
Snu said:
maybe too cutesy for this device, i dunno...
Yea, it might be a tad too cutesy. If there is an actual animation, though, no doubt we'll be able to customize it.

Wegg said:
Actually it should use next to no processing power. It would all be offloaded to the GPU.
Then that applies to my little video idea too. We're all winners! ;)

Actually, the 3D interactive logo idea is growing on me. Maybe it could turn a transparent PNG into something solid (pencil thick) you can rotate?
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