Little John & Fgen User Help


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Hi Folks,

I'm appealing to Little John and Fgen users here, if you use either of these emus regularly, then please can you update the databe of games that work etc.

This will be a big help to those who know nothing of the Emu and would really help to draw newbies to the Emu and also to your fave game on it as well!!

Sorry for being a bore on the emu list subject, but I really need your input. I owe you all a hug when we meet at the meet, if that makes sence?

WarmFluffyUK posted on May 14 2005 at 09:45 PM said:
Hi Folks,

I'm appealing to Little John and Fgen users here, if you use either of these emus regularly, then please can you update the databe of games that work etc.

This will be a big help to those who know nothing of the Emu and would really help to draw newbies to the Emu and also to your fave game on it as well!!

Sorry for being a bore on the emu list subject, but I really need your input. I owe you all a hug when we meet at the meet, if that makes sence?

Why is there only one Final fantasy on there?
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Zorn posted on May 14 2005 at 09:59 PM said:
I've updated some games but
there isn't the nes Kirby in your list !!!

It's there now!

Sorry for it not being there before, I imported the list form another user of the site. Either the list isn't correct or the import didn't work. I'm betting on the list isn't correct.

By the way, you could have added Kirby yourself as this Emu is currently open to public!


Edit: Please people, be sensible, and don't go adding trash
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The reason I haven't too the list is for one I don't an easy way just to add comments, 2 the serach function only lets you rate the game and not the compadibility

Plus, you can't games like Smash TV only loads the main screen with DR. MD 2.0 and then after that crashes and can't play the game but I would like to add this to your list but can't.

If you make your interface easier to update and add games more people liek my self will do so..
tattooman posted on May 14 2005 at 10:45 PM said:
The reason I haven't too the list is for one I don't an easy way just to add comments, 2 the serach function only lets you rate the game and not the compadibility

Plus, you can't games like Smash TV only loads the main screen with DR. MD 2.0 and then after that crashes and can't play the game but I would like to add this to your list but can't.

If you make your interface easier to update and add games more people liek my self will do so..

I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. Please be more specific and I will alter the way the site works !

Sorry, can I add here that I am not being defetist... I will add what you all ask, it all depends on the following:

1. I need to understand what exactly is the goal of your request.
2. If your request is actually possible within the constraints of the present system

Please imagine it from my side. I asked in the beginning what people wanted, and I designed the database on the responces I got. I have adapted as ideas have surfaced, and I will continue to do so. If someone has a fab idea that will work, then it WILL be implimented!!! I do however require a descriptive idea instead of a slight idea!

I say again, I'm not being defeatist, I just need more info

TaTa For Now,
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Thanks for the site, I for one am grateful for it. It is an asset to the GP32 community. I have updated games as I have played them, but it all might be a bit overwhelming in the beginning as there are thousands of games to check and add. This site is what? 2 weeks old? I think it is coming along great.

Cheers! :P
reaper79 posted on May 14 2005 at 11:44 PM said:
Thanks for the site, I for one am grateful for it. It is an asset to the GP32 community. I have updated games as I have played them, but it all might be a bit overwhelming in the beginning as there are thousands of games to check and add. This site is what? 2 weeks old? I think it is coming along great.

Cheers! :P

Yes I think you're right, it's only about 2 weeks old! Not very old compared to a lot of sites out there on the ole' net!

I am very pleased that you like the site, and as I said in a previous post somewhere, it's the least I can do to give something back to the community that helped me when I really needed it.

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I believe he's basically saying you should be able to make changes to a games compatibility info after doing a search, currently you can't and have to go back to the game view list, get to the game by browsing that and only then can you edit it. It would make it a lot quicker if people could search for a game and then change the compatibility info from the search results screen or at the very least the info screen for the game in question.
Belgarath posted on May 14 2005 at 11:52 PM said:
I believe he's basically saying you should be able to make changes to a games compatibility info after doing a search, currently you can't and have to go back to the game view list, get to the game by browsing that and only then can you edit it. It would make it a lot quicker if people could search for a game and then change the compatibility info from the search results screen or at the very least the info screen for the game in question.

Okey Doke, Understood and I will write that tommorrow. From tomorrow onwards by clicking on the smiley in the game info view you will be able to change the status. and it will depend on the version icon you click on !!!
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I think your site is great - I use and update the DrMD V2 part - but being mister boring that is my main emulator...

Thanks for all your work
Tarka :)

PS can someone advise how to get this site and the FRODO compat site added to the links Page??
Hey WarmF.

offtopic :
It could be realy cool if it was possible mabyee to ad som screenshots to a game in the list. :)
mr.miyagi posted on May 15 2005 at 10:34 AM said:
Hey WarmF.

offtopic :
It could be realy cool if it was possible mabyee to ad som screenshots to a game in the list. :)

That's an nice idea. I will think about it and see if it's practical to impliment!

Thanks :)
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