Little John 1.0


Still Fresh
Jul 29, 2004
Frankfurt (Main), Germany
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Well, not really. But just in case someone didn't notice the "Overclocked Stuff" - topic by Horscht: his overclocked versions of LittleJohn do emulate (nearly any) NES-title perfectly smooth, if you turn VSYNC on! With 133MHz (standard version) most games ran way too slow if you turned VSYNC on - but on 160 or 166MHz it's as smooth as PocketNES for GBA (but on your GP32 you can see the whole screen...)!

Now don't answer "LittleJohn was perfectly smooth already without VSYNC" - it wasn't. Turn VSYNC on and you'll see the difference (if the game uses scrolling).

Great work from Horscht! Here is the link to his topic.

Now, imho the overclocked LittleJohn v0.4 deserves the version number 1.0.
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Yeah you need Vsync on or else you'll get the seisure inducing blinking effect on things when you move.. <_<

IMO version 1.0 will be when it runs as good as it does now overclocked, but not having to be overclocked...
Alucard posted on Feb 12 2005 at 11:34 PM said:
PinkSpider posted on Feb 12 2005 at 10:12 PM said:
To be honest I played Super Mario Bros 3 on verson .3 and it felt like it felt on real hardware all those years back.
So is v0.3 faster?
Ive heard so.

But even if it isnt it feels the same as it did to me 14 years ago when I first played it.
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I tried LJ OC'd to 160mhz with Vsync on and FS set to 0 and it still ran very slow.... am I doing something wrong???

But may I recommend a tip for people who don't want to OC pst 133Mhz? Try setting v0.4 at frameskip 1 and set the skip adjustment to 30% with vsync on. The result will be 40fps and full speed 99% of the time for every game I tried. 40fps looks remarkably smooth, and blinking sprites won't disappear on you.
bast525 posted on Feb 13 2005 at 04:58 AM said:
I tried LJ OC'd to 160mhz with Vsync on and FS set to 0 and it still ran very slow.... am I doing something wrong???
Which game did you try? It runs perfect for most games. But the US-Castlevania III, for example, is still slow with VSYNC.

Btw.: How comes that you own three Sega Nomads?

@Prophet: I never knew for what the option "skip adjustment" was. So what does it do?
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Same here, still using non-overclocked LJ 0.4. The overclocked ones skip on the sound, no matter what. LJ 0.3 is less compatible and really not significantly better in any way. And NesterGP has a bug where its sound is too fast.
Alucard posted on Feb 13 2005 at 07:06 PM said:
bast525 posted on Feb 13 2005 at 04:58 AM said:
I tried LJ OC'd to 160mhz with Vsync on and FS set to 0 and it still ran very slow.... am I doing something wrong???
Which game did you try? It runs perfect for most games. But the US-Castlevania III, for example, is still slow with VSYNC.

Btw.: How comes that you own three Sega Nomads?

@Prophet: I never knew for what the option "skip adjustment" was. So what does it do?

It adjusts the frameskip. :)

So basically fs1 + 30% adjustment = 40fps. Which is a very good compromise between 30fps and 60fps, smoother than 45fps at scrolling. Turn the fps indicator on and play around with the adjustment at fs1 and you'll see how it works. It's very useful.
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Blah posted on Feb 13 2005 at 08:35 PM said:
The overclocked ones skip on the sound, no matter what.
Which game(s) did you test? I just tried Megaman VI, Akumajou Densetsu, Tetris and Contra - all of them ran perfectly smooth and with no sound skip at all with the 160MHz-version of LJ.
Did you really turn VSYNC on? (without vsync the sound skips)
And did you really set frameskip to "0"? (don't set to "1" or "AUTO")

@Prophet: Thx for the explanation - I'll try that later (though I'm perfectly happy with my solution...).
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Games I always test are Castlevania 3, Mario 1 and 3, MegaMan 2, and Batman. I dont remember now, which ones played how on the 160mhz version, but I do know for a fact I did FS 0 and Vsync on, as it's what everyone was recommending, and that most if not all of the games I listed played slow. And I do remember that they ALL had the skipping music problem.

Version 0.3 does run SOME games faster than v0.4, I've done a lot of back to back testing of given games between the two, and there is a noticeable difference on some games (tested all games with FS 0 and NO Vsync). The FPS is the same, but the game will actually run/move FASTER. You notice it the most in the music... which I've always known, just seemed a little slow compared to the real games on actual hardware. I haven't had any compatibility issues with v0.3 yet, but I dont doubt there are some there... emus dont get updated for no reason :P I'm still leaving both versions on my SMC in case some games dont work on v0.3
Try this public domain demo CMC80's on LJ 0.3, LJ 0.4 and NesterGP (latest ver) and you'll see what I mean by "compatibility issues". BTW, this rom is reccomended for testing emulators since it pushes the NES to the limit.
Blah posted on Feb 15 2005 at 04:49 AM said:
Try this public domain demo CMC80's on LJ 0.3, LJ 0.4 and NesterGP (latest ver) and you'll see what I mean by "compatibility issues". BTW, this rom is reccomended for testing emulators since it pushes the NES to the limit.

Ok I tried it, it is faster and choppy on Nester, and slower but much smoother on LJ, but works on both.
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Allright, this is what Aaron Doom told me on Gp32world:

Use the 156mHz version.
Be sure to run at frameskip 0 and turn vsync on (vsync will be turned off every time you shut down and restart the emulator, so you have to turn it on every time).

When you first load a game, it won't be running at full speed until you exit to the menu (Right shoulder button), then return to the game (B button).

After that, it seems to run perfectly and smoothly at full speed (or close to it) and perfect music in most cases...
I'd also recommend setting:

Video Fast
240 lines On

to get a full screen.
make sure your sound quality is set to medium.
If you have it set on high it will cause the music skipping and slowness problem.