Lithium-Ion rechargable batteries


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Jun 25, 2003
Lithium-Ion batteries are the best rechargable batteries out there. But for various reasons, they don't make Li-ion in AA size.

Or do they? I found a site that sells AA sized 1400mah Li-ion batteries, but they're 3.7 volts apice! I was thinking that if I wired them in parallel they would fit inside the GP's battery compartment, be rechargable, and last at least as long as alkaline batteries.

So the big question is: How dangerous is that extra .7 volts? .7 volts doesn't seem like much, but in this instance, it's a 27% increase. That makes me nervous. I don't want to spend $13 on a pair of these suckers only to have them fry my GP32.

Any thoughts?
Be safer and just go with two or three pairs of NiMH batteries, and keep one or two fully charged. Mine last for ~6 hours, and as much as I love my GP32, I almost never spend a full 6 hours playing with it outside of the house.
I can get 2000mAh AA batteries these batteries are used in laptop batteries etc there are 2 types i can get

!'s with nipples (dont laugh) which will work in anything that needs AA and other is Tags which have tags to solder a bunch of them together like how its done in laptop batteries.

Go check em out at

Its in australia tho :P

Did you know that most NI.MH batteries only run at 2.2 volts?

So if you had 1 lithium and 1 NIMH, you get a net voltage of just about 3 :)

Although you do go against what the batteries say on the packet of never use with another battery... Personally, I suspect it'd be ok...
I have some powerhaus branded 2000maH 'AA', I'd say they last about 6hrs or longer. I usually charge then on sunday night and they last till sometime on saturday, I really only use the GP32 when I'm on the bus, which would be a bit more than 1hr a day.

mixing different battery types can be kinda bad. I remember once a friend used a half flat NiCad with a fresh disposable battery and they both got very hot very quickly. Also rechargables are kinda sensative to things like that, so using a pair that are about the same charge is the way to go. Otherwise one of them going to get underused and the other overused, if that makes any sense.

Oh and never put a Li-on battery in a non-Li-ion charger... It, um, buggers them really quickly. :( (just ask my mobile phone)
You should also keep in mind that you will need an extra charging-device for the Li-ion batteries. Because the Li-ion ones need a rather complex charging algorithm compared to NiMH or NiCd...

Imho 2000mAh NiMH combined with a good charger (microprocesssor-controlled) is the way to go atm. How good you treat (charge) your batteries will make a big difference.

Oh, r0lf already posted what i thought while i was still writing :)
2000mAh is indeed the way to go.

However i noticed something 'weird' about the voltage of my rechargable AA's. They're rated 1,2V instead of the normal 1,5V. When i measure them with my Aldi-multimeter (not very acurate i assume) it says 1.38V

None of this has any impact on my gp32, so lets game on :)
I haven't got any rechargeable batteries. I've adapted a Pifco branded fan to work as my own personal wind turbine. I carry it around on a broom handle. Had to put larger fins on the thing to get much use out of it, does the job though. As long as you stand on top of a hill or behind an aeroplane it's great. Hope that helps. Jace :)
dozer it dosent really matter what brand get a 2000mAh AA none of the normal brands go this high if i remember corectly normal AA = 700 to 800mA and the titanium energizer 1's are about 1000mAh so get the rechargeables

I can get 2 AA 2000mAh for $11 but id need to buy a charger :( i have a nicad charger but the best u can get from a AA nicad was 1400mAh <_<
