List Your Retro-machines You Still Use

I fire up my Turbografx CD every couple of days... especially if I can get enough friends together for a game of 5 player Bomberman or Battle Royale. My wife still kicks all our butts. :lol:

How is the Dreamcast retro if the PSX isn't? Dreamcast is a current generation system (unless you are of the mind that we are in the xbox360/ps3/revolution gen right now) and psx is a generation earlier than it....

Sorry to hijack a thread but....

It's quite possible to argue all day about whats retro and what isn't. The fact is although the PSX belongs to the age of the N64 and the Saturn, it is still a big selling format worldwide whereas those other 2 formats are long gone.

In the UK, PSX stuff can still widely be bought in virtually any games retailer - you certainly don't have to hunt for it and you can still buy a brand new machine anytime you want one.

In comparison Sega pulled the plug on the dreamcast years ago now. They only sell reconditioned units in small numbers and dreamcast games and novelty controllers are becoming the stuff of retro collections everywhere.

But more importantly - I expect our friends at gamestation have to make room for all the Xbox360 stuff, so I guess they moved the lowest selling format into the retro section. (I hope the gamecube doesn't get moved there too or I won't own a single current console.)
Consoles Retro computer I still use are :

BBC Micro
Amiga A500 and A1200
Acorn Archimedes
Sinclair Spectrum (48K rubber keyboard version with Currah uSpeech)
Atari ST
thingley posted on Dec 20 2005 at 11:26 AM said:
How is the Dreamcast retro if the PSX isn't? Dreamcast is a current generation system (unless you are of the mind that we are in the xbox360/ps3/revolution gen right now) and psx is a generation earlier than it....

Sorry to hijack a thread but....

[....long rambling discussion...]

ok, i guess that makes sense, i never thought of it that way. i have a psx and a dreamcast, but, unfortunately, i can't get my dreamcast to work with the games i have for it (all homebrew, on cd-r's). I asked online and it sounds like the laser to read the discs is off and i've tried a couple "fixes" but none have worked...
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My neo geo aes comes in use quite often (2player. Samsho 2 and Breakers Revenge most of the time.)

Other than that I do love to turn on the saturn for some sega rally and I've been thinking about finish albert odyssey once again.

Also I do use my Playstation. Mostly because of the high amount of great rpg's that I have yet to beat. Such as Valkyrie Profile, Lunar 2, Tales of Destiny and Wild Arms 2.

Btw. Xenogears is the best! IMO.
Concidering that my nes is the only retro system i have that still works (being as the dreamcast is not retro, and thats my only other working console) i tend to have it (or my dreamcast) having a pretty dedicated connection to my tv, i havn't played my nes for a good month due to busyness, but the month before i played it for quite a few hours.
thingley posted on Dec 20 2005 at 11:26 AM said:
How is the Dreamcast retro if the PSX isn't? Dreamcast is a current generation system (unless you are of the mind that we are in the xbox360/ps3/revolution gen right now) and psx is a generation earlier than it....

Sorry to hijack a thread but....

It's quite possible to argue all day about whats retro and what isn't. The fact is although the PSX belongs to the age of the N64 and the Saturn, it is still a big selling format worldwide whereas those other 2 formats are long gone.

In the UK, PSX stuff can still widely be bought in virtually any games retailer - you certainly don't have to hunt for it and you can still buy a brand new machine anytime you want one.

In comparison Sega pulled the plug on the dreamcast years ago now. They only sell reconditioned units in small numbers and dreamcast games and novelty controllers are becoming the stuff of retro collections everywhere.

But more importantly - I expect our friends at gamestation have to make room for all the Xbox360 stuff, so I guess they moved the lowest selling format into the retro section. (I hope the gamecube doesn't get moved there too or I won't own a single current console.)

Buh??? The only place I've seen ps1 games is in gamestation, in the retro bit, with the nes games (I also saw a multimega or whatever they're call in there)
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@Deadlychicken : you probably own one of the very last Dreamcast made , they were made in a way to prevent CD-r reading , therefore you cant boot up homebrews on those.

I got my dreamcast currently plugged to my TV in my bedroom. Also got a Megadrive, a Snes and a N64 but they are not hooked up to the tv right now.

the megadrives need a bit of fixing <_< but too busy to solder them now.

Hardly play my N64 at all, bought it in august, played Mario64 a lot on it, then put it in the cupboard, never been out then !

My Snes is often plugged to the TV though, only that recently I'm overbusy . :o so can't play

Oh ... And I plan to buy a Neogeo on my next trip to Japan (they are awfully expensive in Europe) hopefully next year ...