Lion King 1 And 1/2


Oct 26, 2003
I dont know, maybe it makes me a loser, but im kind of looking forward to this lion king moive (im 15, something wrong?) I think this is becuase i grew up with the lion king and watched 70000000 times when i was like six :P Does anyone else have an attachment to nastolgic (?) movies? are indeed a loser. lion king 1 was bareable but number 2 fucking sucks, a lot like this thread. as does the shitty pumba and other guy spin off series which made me want to punch the tv.
Ahhh, The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. Proof that, although it does not happen all that often, when Disney does make mistakes, the results are devastating. But, the original is one of the best animated movies ever and for me, GP32 has renewed my love for Lion King since it was the first movie I found for it. I'll probably see 1 1/2.
80% of everything disney has made has been a mistake. The company is fucking hopeless and its run by a whole heap of money hungry executives.
Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Feb 10 2004 at 12:37 AM said:
80% of everything disney has made has been a mistake. The company is fucking hopeless and its run by a whole heap of money hungry executives.
I agree with you 100%

back when walt actually ran things they had a strict policy on NOT making remakes because they didn't want to taint the original. Now disney will do anything for a buck.

Im so glad that pixar is breaking away from them. Hopefully pixar will replace disney as a source of quality animation
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I always hated Disney stuff when I was kid as it was all so cute and more aimed at girls really. It used to frustrate me when Disney stuff was on TV as I felt I had to watch it as even the dullest Disney thing was better than having to watch something that wasn't a cartoon. Given the choice, I would always settle for Warner Bros or Hannah Barbera cartoons over Disney any day of the week.
What the hell is Lion King 1 1/2 anyway? Is it the same old one with added scenes? Or is it a Prequel? Cause if its a Prequel, It should have had a beter name than that cause people might think that there is 1 in it because of the "1" in the title. :unsure: