Linux Noob Alert


Still Fresh
Oct 19, 2009
I have read the FAQ, i have had a few searched with the search button and nothing really answers my question .

I am aware of this page :P (

I am an almost complete linux noob , there are some Q's about the pandora i jsut cant find solid answers to , Can i run ARM ubuntu on it without driver issues , Will synaptic or something similar be available to install programs , will i be able to use a usb 3g dongle with my pandora , can i use a usb webcam with linux and record video with it ata sensible resolution (around 400 x 600 ). And my final question , cna i do any of the above whilst staying a terminal virgin.
From JayFoxRox link......
USB Compatibility

It's really worth giving the sticky/wiki at least a quick once over. It can seem intimidating at first I guess but it does have a lot of info.

[Edit] Hope that helps, sorry can't answer synaptic question.
Thaks for that , have to say , i have looked through the stickies as much as is worth for this question ad i dont think id of found that even if id looked . thanks anyway . And yes maybe i am a forum noob , suck on that.
muchalucha said:
Thaks for that , have to say , i have looked through the stickies as much as is worth for this question ad i dont think id of found that even if id looked . thanks anyway . And yes maybe i am a forum noob , suck on that.

Was under the FAQ section of the sticky I believe.
Difference is at least you tried hahaha.
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muchalucha said:
cna i do any of the above whilst staying a terminal virgin.
I realize you're a linux noob, but surely you realize that none of the things you listed involve the genital regions of anybody, including yourself. So yes, you could do all of those things while terminally remaining a virgin.
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Tempel said:
So yes, you could do all of those things while terminally remaining a virgin.

"Yes, dear?"
"I've got something to tell you..."
"What is it, dear?"
"I went to the doctor today, and he told me... he told me that I suffer from virginity. It's terminal. There's nothing we can do about it."
"I'll be the one to tell the kids, don't worry. I just wanted you to be the first one to know."

I think strange thoughts sometimes.
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Can i run ARM ubuntu on it without driver issues ,
Will synaptic or something similar be available to install programs ,
yes but pnd packages are preferable
will i be able to use a usb 3g dongle with my pandora,
yes if there are open-source drivers for the 3g dongle
can i use a usb webcam with linux and record video with it ata sensible resolution (around 400 x 600 )
yes if there are open-source drivers for the web camera which permit such activity
cna i do any of the above whilst staying a terminal virgin.
you should have used a question mark to end that question. i do not know whether you are making a joke about linux users being terminal virgins or you honestly seek information through that questionably-formatted question but the answer to it is "yes"
Tempel said:
muchalucha said:
cna i do any of the above whilst staying a terminal virgin.
I realize you're a linux noob, but surely you realize that none of the things you listed involve the genital regions of anybody, including yourself. So yes, you could do all of those things while terminally remaining a virgin.

oh man that made ma laugh :D
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typs lik dis said:
Can i run ARM ubuntu on it without driver issues ,
Well, it depends on how you define "issues" - if you want 3D acceleration, the SGX driver will have to be installed manually (since it has proprietary components, it will not be shipped with Ubuntu). This probably won't be difficult at all, but may require you to (D:) use the terminal. I'm sure there will be guides you can follow...
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I think that the IPKG system (which is the primary packaging system on the Pandora - NOT PND!) can install debs directly, so you can download stuff from the Debian ARM repository directly and just install and use it. No need to switch to Ubuntu for that (Ubuntu being rather slow/unoptimized compared to Ångström)

But don't quote me on this one.
Evan~NL said:
ubuntu has an restricted hardware manager Tom

I'm aware of that, but I doubt that it will know where to get the SGX driver specifically.
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hehehehehhe , by terminal virgin i ment without using the terminal as i have almost no idea how to and all teh times ive tried ive broken something. lol . I wasnt taking a cheap shot at linux users , im currently running ubuntu :P.
I had a really great rant/post about this once, several months ago, but now I can't find it.
Basically it went "There is nothing special about Linux. It is just a different operating system, in the same way that the Wii, PS3, and XBox all have different operating systems. A well designed system (of which the Pandora is) will make things simple and easy. The only difference being that Linux will let you have more control if you want it than the other consoles."
There should be no need for command line, unless you really want to.
muchalucha said:
Thaks for that , have to say , i have looked through the stickies as much as is worth for this question ad i dont think id of found that even if id looked . thanks anyway . And yes maybe i am a forum noob , suck on that.
Unless you're a total newbie to ALL groups or IRC channels, it should be obvious that you WERE handled with great courtesy, as opposed to most like venues. Unless we wish to let this venue descend into newbie chaos (which would certainly happen if all such posts as yours are completely catered to), then we really can't answer questions when its clearly obvious that the most obvious sources haven't been read. That said, no great sarcasm was displayed, no name-calling, no profanity. You were (in all fact) handled with great courtesy, more than you yourself displayed in your response quoted above.

Seriously, web browse for the many sources of web info for the Pandora, or (seeing as it's somewhat similar) the Beagle board, or most projects based on the TI OMAP3530 hardware. When you've done some real reading, you'd be welcomed back, this really is a quite well-behaved venue.
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