Premium Member
Hi, I'm going to soon purchase a brand new FLU GP32 (I'm in the USA). The only problem is that I dont know exactly where to get it from. I _REALLY_ feel that it's necessary for it to OC up to 160-166mhz (for OpenSNES), but I cant afford the extra money to buy the guaranteed one. I want a fair chance at buying a 166mhz GP32, but I'm afraid that if all of the 166mhz ones on GBAX are being separated out and sold separately that I'll have a minimal chance of getting a high quality one there if I just get the regular one. Lik Sang, however, has a short warranty (or guarantee/whatever) from what I've heard and they charge 10 dollars more for the GP32 FLU than GBAX does. The only good thing is that it makes me think that I have a more fair chance of getting a 166mhz one there. Play-Asia wouldve been a nice alternative but they are out of stock. So is the GBAX non-turbocharged GP32 really luck of the draw? Who has bought it from there and if so what mhz are you recieveing from it? Also, the conversions from £ to $USD are way off, the Lit turbocharged one at GBAX would cost around $265 if the prices were exactly equal, and that is wayy to much for me. If I got say one that could only OC to 140mhz, how much would it generally be to get it professionally fixed to 166mhz (using Rob's method)? Lastly, do the 800 new GP32s from Gamepark have better hardware (can overclock to 166)? Am I more likely to get one of those if I order now? Thank you in advance for any help.