Lik-sang Gp32


Jun 22, 2004
Houston, Texas
I have been gazing @ the GP32 since it first arrived on Lik-Sang, but the prices were a bit steep ATM. I am now seriously considering getting a GamePark, and am jsut wondering, on Lik-Sang, they've got 2 listed, one being the Front Lit Version another just a regular one. Is the Front Lit version worth the extra 40 $'s? I am gonna use the GP to waste time on my bus ride to and from school. Another n00b question, what is the difference between the FLU and BLU? Where else is the GP available for shipping in the US?

Thnx, Protoss
Yes, it's very much worth it, but the BLU is worth it even more. A FLU, like the name says, is a Front Lit Unit, this means that the light is project onto the screen, then reflected back at you. A BLU, Back Lit Unit, projects the light from behind the screen, giving more vibrant colors. I did hear though that battery live on the BLU is shorter then on the FLU... Also, if you order NOW from GBAX.COM, you'll get a free '166MHz guaranteed'.
I would go for the BLU.

I own a FLU from lik-sang, and though I'm quite satisfied with it (even lucked out and got one that OCs to 160+), after seeing pics of the BLU in action, I flipped out!

Even with the poor resolution of the shots, you can see that the screen's contrast is better and brighter. Also, no more of the 'trapazoid' effect, visible in every FLU light guide (I also have an AfterBurner-modded GBA and a GBAsp ... both have the slightly annoying ghost-imaging issues). is doing a voltage mod to every pre-ordered BLU, so you're guaranteed to OC to 166mhz. YAY!