

Still Fresh
Sep 3, 2010
so im trying to compile qjoypad natively. im using c/c++ dev tools. when i try to configure i get "error: you will need libxtst to compile this program". so i tried getting the source and compiling libxtst, no good. used opkg to install libstxt-dev, -static, and 6 from the angstrom feed... still no good. am i missing something here? i was gonna cross compile it but its configure script doesnt have --host. any thoughts?
Can you compile and install the lib on Pandora or does that bring any errors?
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if i try to install libxtst from source on the pandora it says it needs xext. when i install xext it finishes with errors. at this point i went to the angstrom feed. if i use opkg they both install fine along with all the deps. but still when i try to compile it says i need libxtst. i was a little burned out last night and i just got to work now but if i try to troubleshoot later ill post the errors. is it possible that even though it installed through opkg the configure script may be looking in the wrong place? i think i had that happen once with ruby gems on the op but that was a while ago.
You will not only need to install the libs with opkg, but the dev packages too.

These install the headers needed for compilation.
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Ok, checked this now.

The configuretool in there is no autotoolsconfigure, so I set the variables it configures manually.

Then I compiled with qmake -> make.

I can't test it though because I don't have my pandora for the weekend.

If you want to test it, a preliminary pnd is attached.

Edit: libXtst is already in the system.



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ill!!! i will test tomorrow! how did you set the variables? im not sure what im missing... i want to become proficient at this though ;-)
The .pro file is, what creates the makefile for the program.

Just look through the config file and see what variables like INSTALL_PREFIX, DEVDIR etc. are set.

Then set them by editing the .pro file and adding lines like DEVDIR="/dev/input" etc.

Then run pndqmake in the toolchain or qmake on pandora.

This should create the Makefile with the appropiate defines.

Then run make and watch your program compile.
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I tried the pnd. Seems to work so far. Launches, trayicon appears and when i set the nubs both to joystick-mode before launching qjoypad, then three joysticks are shown in qjoypad. Joystick 2 is left nub, Joystick 3 is right nub. Maybe "Joystick 1" is D-pad, but i didn't manage to get feedback there so far.

I also did a quick try to configure mouse-emulation within qjoypad with the nubs still being in joystick-mode. It does work, but not with usable precision and not flawless. I will try around some more.

Thanks in any way so far.