Legal movies??


Still Fresh
Nov 4, 2003
is there a place to buy already made SMC's with movies on the that is LEGAL. I doubt there is, but i was just wondering.
because im not sure how too, but i will learn.. Can you encode movies from dvds that you rent from places, or do they have some specail thing that othes dont to not let that happen?
No there is nothing stoping you from encoding of rented dvds other than the law why not try something like win mx or kazza like the rest of us since it tends to be a lot cheaper from there than it is from a rental shop (approxamatly £0.00) ;)
I would never advise on using rentals and deffinately not Kazza, Most of the time the movie files are corrupt in some way or another (Could have unwanted side affects)
And besides I like to own the bloody box to my movies, and when its like £12 for a new dvd I cant complain......

And besides you will always get much better results ripping from YOUR disc rather than using an already compressed PIRATED file as you will compress it again....

I nabbed Matrix Reloaded from the eDonkey network (I do own the original BTW). is a great site for eDonkey links. Just leave your computer on for a day or so and you can get almost any film ;)

MODERATOR : bear in mind it's illegal to download anything you dont already own....

SHAKING SPIRIT: Please read my post more carefully next time :P I quote: "I do own the original BTW"
You can get anime from bit torrent ^_^
It'd be nice if we could get some legal movies like that, like 10 bucks for a movie just like buying a game of joygp. But it'll probably never happen, too easy to distrubte those files illegaly.