Left Nub Problem


Sep 4, 2008
B.C Canada
I have seen this posted elsewhere but with out a clear solution or answer to if this is a known issue. Now I might have missed something in all the threads but this is my problem.

The left nub initially was only reading right and up. There fore it would keep migrating to the top right corner when I set it to mouse.
I then moved that feature to the right nub but it kept drifting upwards, even when I was not touching it.

I rebooted, reset the nubs and tried again.
This time the left nub only was working left and right, no other direction worked when set to mouse.
The right nub when changed to mouse seems to be working ok.

Any ideas to why the intermittent drifting and or the directional problems with the left nub ?
Is it software related or my Pandora ? I know this might be hard to answer but I would be interested to hear if other people have this problem and what they did to get the left nub working as a mouse.

Eisner said:
I have seen this posted elsewhere but with out a clear solution or answer to if this is a known issue. Now I might have missed something in all the threads but this is my problem.

The left nub initially was only reading right and up. There fore it would keep migrating to the top right corner when I set it to mouse.
I then moved that feature to the right nub but it kept drifting upwards, even when I was not touching it.

I rebooted, reset the nubs and tried again.
This time the left nub only was working left and right, no other direction worked when set to mouse.
The right nub when changed to mouse seems to be working ok.

Any ideas to why the intermittent drifting and or the directional problems with the left nub ?
Is it software related or my Pandora ? I know this might be hard to answer but I would be interested to hear if other people have this problem and what they did to get the left nub working as a mouse.


Have you done the nub dance? (Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right with each nub during boot)

If so, try Mario 64 on Mupen64plus. If you have trouble there, it is probably a hardware problem. If you don't have trouble there, it is a software problem.

-God Ginrai
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I have tried re-calibrating with the left nub dead center and no go.. Still same problem.. It will only go left/right now when in mouse mode.
I will have to install N64 Emu to try that out. Is it the only emulator that supports the nubs ?

I tried the colecovision emu but nither nubs work when set as joystick in the nub setting.
I tried the SNES emu but they also, no go ( but there is no setting in the menu for controls/mapping ).
I tried the neogeo emu ( enabled joystick controls ) but like the above emulators, the nubs did not work.

Am I missing something ?
The only emulator that supports the nub so far is N64, yes.
For the other emulators, it doesn't make sense, as they only had digital inputs... and that's what we have the DPad for.
The nubs should be functional in the PSX emulator as well as the N64 one, but you need to be running a game that supports analogue controls (not all PSX games did).

I've experienced the drift thing twice before, before the left nub failed on both my first unit and its replacement - but your mileage may vary.
I don't see how it does not make since, people should be able to map the nubs to any controls they want, also some PSX games did use them. Dreamcast used one whenever that emulator gets released :lol:
Just use n64 mario64,i have had the same issue and i once thought the nubs worked on n64emu but i was wrong,a good test is waverace64 as you need diagnals and my old unit couldn't do it at all.
Well, I checked it out and once I got by the amazing fact that I was looking at Mario64 on the Pandora, I got on to testing the nubs.

The left one only moves left/right which was consistent with my testing in Xfce.
I reset the nub. Did the nub dance. everything and it only works left and right.

I am not sure if the right one works in N64 as I did not know how to change it although I did change the right nub to joystick. I am sure that nub works as it does as mouse in Xfce ( except for the slight upwards drifting ).

I am so upset.. I think that my left nub is broken and I really have not even used them since I got my pandora.

What can I do ? Can I send it back ? Will they replace my Pandora for me ? How will I live without my Pandora ? Can I go on with life ?
Any suggestions before I contact openpandora ?

I was willing to deal with my faulty 'A' button
and my poor shoulder button movements
but my nubs... I draw the line there... lol

Thanks guys (or gals).
Sniff... :(
Send an e-mail to the usual address ( openpandorasales@gmail.com ) with a brief description of what's wrong. Then they'll be able to tell you where to go from here.
I think my nubs are in the exact same boat. Only x axis movement seems to work well doing the dance or not and what seems to be centered. Affects both nubs equally in mouse mode. Same problem on at least the left nub in the N64 emulator (don't know of a way to test the right in there). I'm delaying contacting OpenPandora for now since that is the only thing wrong with mine (as far as I can tell), but I will probably do that in the near future. I was thinking it was more of a software problem since it seems strange to me that both nubs are faulty in identical manners, but who knows? They work for a lot of others, so maybe it is the nubs themselves. I'm in no hurry to have the nubs fixed, but ultimately would like them working perfectly as N64 emulation improves, along with any freeware games that may make use of them.
Bosbeetle said:
do you have to do the 'nub dance' during boot? I always did it just after boot.

You only have a certain window after you supply power to the nubs for the nub dance to work. I don't know how long that Window is, so it is conceivable that it might be long enough to work just after boot. However, there have been positive remarks about doing it during boot, and that's what Craig and Co. have suggested as well, so that's when I would tell you to do it.

-God Ginrai
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Well, I will be sending back my Pandora due to the nub problem and a few other issues.
Thanks guys for all the support. Hope to get my new one in 2-3 weeks... with better nubs...

- Eisner