Launching Boiling Steam, a New Website dedicated to PC Linux Gaming


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
Hello Everyone, I was not super active these past few days on Pandoralive (but I have a number of articles coming soon there too) as I was preparing the launch of a new website dedicated to Linux Gaming on the PC platform. While it's still very much in construction, it's functional and I have started to add contents to it progressively.

It's called BoilingSteam (.com). You can have a look below:

As I said, it's far from being polished yet (I am still working on several pages like "WHAT IS LINUX" and more like that) but I wanted to share if with you first, and get some feedback from the community as I develop it further. Thanks for checking!

Screenshot from 2014-10-19 01:25:28.png
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Oh!  It's a nice site!  I will sure be visiting this regularly for my Linux games need :)

Thanks for another good inititive :)
Thanks! I know that not everyone here is actually playing on Linux desktops, but I figured we probably had a decent amount of people who did, still (this was also confirmed by the survey, I will share the results in a couple of weeks).
Nice site, thank you!

Indeed, for me the only reason to boot up Windows is to play some games (Dragonage 3 and Witcher 3 are up next). Too bad Valves efforts to bring gaming to Linux didn't work out (yet). But with the new subscription models for Unreal (linux support enabled) and Cry Engine (linux support planned) there is a good chance to see many more games in the future :)
Too bad Valves efforts to bring gaming to Linux didn't work out (yet). But with the new subscription models for Unreal (linux support enabled) and Cry Engine (linux support planned) there is a good chance to see many more games in the future :)
Well it's still work in progress for sure, I'm sure Valve is doing what they can. I am at a point where I don't boot windows at all anymore.. I don't support any Microsoft efforts anymore, if there is a game that can't be played on Linux I get it for PS3/PS4 and If I can't get it for them I just don't play it..

Valves ports are great, but many I've played  to death.. Although I did enjoy completing Portal 2 over again in Linux..  Also I'm thoroughly impressed with the Linux ports of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel(which was released to Linux on release day). And Borderlands 2 runs a ton better in Linux then it did in Windows on my desktop..        
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Nice work ekianjo.

Will be more useful to me once I get myself a SteamOS machine, which I do plan on getting sometime. Look forward so some nice reviews and discovering some gems via boilingsteam.

As for the feedback on site itself, first thing I noticed, when I viewed on my mobile, was the lack of a menu ... then see some links at the very bottom of the page when I reached there.

On a desktop I see those links show on the top right hand side there, as shown in your screenshot above.

...Any reason you not using the main-navigation menu of that site?

I see there is a little break in the red line borders as it joins the top banner/logo, where the main nav menu should sit.

Perhaps you could enable that nav menu and populate it with your 6 main information links? [about | what is linux | hardware | steam machine | etc..]

I guess that when viewed on a mobile, that nav menu would sit up top and be more obvious then
Perhaps you could enable that nav menu and populate it with your 6 main information links? [about | what is linux | hardware | steam machine | etc..]
Thanks for the suggestion. Actually those menus are "for info only", and that's the reason I decided to make sure they stayed at the bottom. When coming from mobile, I felt it was important you could access the content of the first post without delay and further scrolling down. Note that I may add some Icon later on to display the menu for mobile if needed, at the top of the page. It's still WIP, so let me think how to best address that :)
Awesome, been waiting for Transistor to hit Linux and it's on sale too!