Last Ninja 2 - The Central Park Cover


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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Bah - I thought I may as well see who's still around here. It's been a few years since my last major posting on these forums, and I forgot how much of a laugh it all was, due to the bizarre b*llocks that gets talked around here :) . Real life kind of gets in the way (by way of a new baby girl mostly!).

Just to get me back into the retro feel, here's a cover of the Last Ninja 2 Central Park theme produced by my good friend Rich, with input from me.

We've decided to form a retro band, and will be covering more stuff in the future. I love this theme. We've gone for a complete beefing up of the original, but still with SID elements so the original sound isn't lost. The SID side is via a fantastic VST plugin called 'QuadraSID'. Marvellous.

Anyways - tell me what you think, and I'm definitely open to suggestions for the next thing to cover...
Amazing, great stuff. You could team up with one of the homebrew devs (like Ruckage did with Pat Ferguson)

Suggestion for next cover: outrun