"Laptop" idea

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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Just a simple idea.. someone should design and make a little special "Laptop" like case design which can flip over, and the flipped up end will have a GP32-shape area where you can "clip" the GP32 into and treat it like a mini-minitor without holding it or letting it lean against somethin while ya type.. the keyboard can go on the "lap" half of the case, also "clipping" into it so that it doesnt fall out by accident due to tilting. You could make a little release button of some sort for each compartment to free the clipped-in GP32 or erricson keyboard too.

Just an idea for those who wanted more of a laptop experience with the GP32, especially if you're "on the move" and ya wanna stop somewhere to type into a journal or somethin :D

And if anyone is actually going to come up with a mouse piece to go with the GP32 I believe a side spot can be made for the mouse to move around in freely would be good, seeing you wont need too much space to place down a compact erricson keyboard ;)

Tell me whcha think o' the idea, I think it would be a cool alternative to a laptop just to type/manage on the move! :)
twould be good, say on a train/plane. You could just put the "laptop" on the table and watch GPCinema in much more comfort. If somebody makes a Word Processor, it would also be much easier to type.
Yeah.. and watching movies with this to hold the GP32 upright is far better than that cruddy wooden thing that was being sold on E-Bay before :P

But someone should try produce these.. I mean a company, maybe GamePark but they could always hire someone to mass-produce them (unless the company's too poor, of course). But if someone's going to make their own (not by a company of any kind) I'd like to see the finished product.. or at least check a picture of it :D
hey if I got a keyboard, I'd buy one... sounds ideal

do you think it'll take a while for the keyboard/drivers to take off? Doubt anyone will go to any trouble to make the laptop case until the keyboard is widely used...
As soon as i buy a car im gona buy a new gp, take it apart and attempt to install it in the car as a video/music player. and before any of you say "why not just take a regular gp in the car with u?", its just a cool idea i have and i think it would be cool. Will take quite a while to finish saving for the car first so it will take a while. Ill post pics eventually tho. The whole thing would be sped up if people felt the need to donate towards a car :rolleyes:.

...Or maybe not then :D
if i could afford it i would:
buy a new GP32
remove the case
use a longer ribbon cable to attach the screen and run it like a conventional laptop with the mainboard down below underneath the keyboard
move the SMC port to the side or front for easy access
then the ext port would be outside so you can remove the keyboard and use other thingamajigs

maybe when i win the lotto.. :lol: