Boulderdash game


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Its a game where you try to write defenitions for a word that trick other people into thinking that yours is the right one. You get a point for everyone who thinks that yours is right, and there are other rules about if you guess the right one and stuff. First person to x points wins :) I just thought that it would be cool if someone made a GP32 game for it (no AI obviously, even a supercomputer couldn't have AI for deciding defenitions :) just you pass the GP32 around and ppls 'type' their defenitions) If anyone actually is unlazy enough to make it (only reason I don't want to make it is I'm too lazy to make a virtual keyboard) tell me and I'll type my whole idea on how it would work...
I suspect that would only work if you had a database of online fake definitions interspersed with real ones - and the game would select a random one - THEN you pass it around and decide if it's correct or not. Typing out deifnitions onto the unit would be errrm... fairly pointless. Simply because it would be easier to just tell one another them.