GP32 Attaching ericsson chatboard to gp32


Jul 16, 2003
I always want to use a hand held ZX spectrum and make simple basic programs while I travel. It looks with GP32 I'm nearly able to make this idea come true. But the problem is: there is 4 or 5 buttons on gp32. I'm sure it's possible to attach any keyboard to GP32. But I think some one has to create the standarts for keyboard driver and write a driver for it. So everyone can develop for that standarts.

I'm not a C/asm coder, maybe I can code little C programs but writing a driver is really different thing.

In fact, what gp32 really need is a kind of mini-keyboard.. When I look it up in google, it come up with that page:

here is a Chatboard to GBA attaching guide. And some example programs.
is there anyone to convert this thing to gp32?
The main problem with these ideas is that the USB port on the GP32 is not a powered port, and all USB keyboards require power from the port. So we'd have to make our own custom job that uses batteries, not to mention drivers...
i have this ericcson's chatboard. Very slow, but cool B)

The procedure to connect to GBA according to that site seems very simple
If not possible on GP32, at least i will connect it to my GBA :P
oh wow so it is possible then! I always go on about this but it would be so usefull to have a keyboard, for tracking etc.
