Lame mp3 codec


Efram the retarded rabbit
Jul 2, 2003
What settings can u use for the lame mp3 codec? Im used to using something like 32 kBits/s, 11,025 Hz Stereo when i used my old codec but now its layed out differently. So can anyone tell me some good settings for it please?
hey dozer :o)

I think I had this prob too, B4 u select the audio compression select the audio coversion first. If we r on the same problem then this can help.

ie: I went to compression and couldnt find the required varibles, so I went to conversion selected the MP3 codec and then when I went back to the compression the "previosuly missing varibles" were there

Hope this is the right prob m8, if not I'll read agian and check it out in VDUB

I'm having the same trouble. None of my mp3 codecs show up in Vdub, and as a result the audio goes out uncompressend and is (obviously) unsuitable for play. :( I haven't been able to make one single movie.
did you dl the download packs that are posted throughout this site??? THere is one that does the whole lot....

I prefered to manually choose my codecs, all you should need is the Div X 4.12
if your missing the audio codec just post and someone will direct u :o)

Also R u sure your opening the right VD .EXE????? There are 3 .EXEs on the older version I think just make sure you open the right one.......

Still no joy post again m8 as we were all there once, I was gonna sell mine when i couldnt sort out emulation :o)
So glad I kept it now
