Lady Killer V0.1.0 Now Available


Certified Guru
Oct 22, 2004
Madrid, Spain
After more time that I expected, due to my lack of free time, it is available the new version of my GP Lady Killer.

At begining it was goint going to be a beta version, but I think that almost all bugs are fixed, so it is a 'complete' version, althogh reduced in comparation of the final game will be.


Apart of solving bugs, I have added new character's animations and implemented some new features (as the introduction screens). As it is a test version, there are infinite lives so don't think that is a bug.

You can download it in my website: GP32 WIP
Puck2099 posted on Mar 12 2005 at 05:56 PM said:
After more time that I expected, due to my lack of free time, it is available the new version of my GP Lady Killer.

At begining it was goint going to be a beta version, but I think that almost all bugs are fixed, so it is a 'complete' version, althogh reduced in comparation of the final game will be.


Apart of solving bugs, I have added new character's animations and implemented some new features (as the introduction screens). As it is a test version, there are infinite lives so don't think that is a bug.

You can download it in my website: GP32 WIP

awsome dude!

seriously good game!

brilliant intro

love the power ups

just the music to sort out now!

cant wait for the next beta!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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Shirohagen posted on Mar 13 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
Are there any instructions for this game?


Here`s a link to the original game this is based on, With some information about the game, The object to the game and how to play it.

Btw: Don`t get too addicted to it. :D

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Shirohagen posted on Mar 13 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
Are there any instructions for this game?

Dive in and up through the 'tiles', you have to turn all of them, once you have turned a tile you can't move through it anymore, do not get hit by those moving thingies but if you dive up where they are you will destroy them (but they will be back) a power up with arrows up and down will turn all the tiles above and below you when you dive in (same for arrows left and right, etc) some powerups are beneath the surface (they will be blue) so you can only pick them up under water, flipper powerups make you swim faster, there is more to it but this is enough to play the game.

It's a fun game, I have played it before using MAME and I'm very impressed with it so far. Would love to see this completed, it's a great remake :)

Edit: misplaced a comma
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great game !!
but i think killing the player when the upper end of the character touches one of these thingies is unfair, since it looks 3d, it maybe should be like the head of the chracter can go "over" tthe understand?
noticed you added a picture...will it be like this for the next release (ie 1 release --> 1 pic) ?
Nilsiboy posted on Mar 14 2005 at 03:56 PM said:
great game !!
but i think killing the player when the upper end of the character touches one of these thingies is unfair, since it looks 3d, it maybe should be like the head of the chracter can go "over" tthe understand?
noticed you added a picture...will it be like this for the next release (ie 1 release --> 1 pic) ?

Yes, collision system is still not very refined :P

I don't understand what you want to say about pictures... I added a picture showing one of the new features of this version, if new feauteres would be more "visual" probably I would added more pictures...

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Puck2099 posted on Mar 14 2005 at 05:13 PM said:
Nilsiboy posted on Mar 14 2005 at 03:56 PM said:
great game !!
but i think killing the player when the upper end of the character touches one of these thingies is unfair, since it looks 3d, it maybe should be like the head of the chracter can go "over" tthe understand?
noticed you added a picture...will it be like this for the next release (ie 1 release --> 1 pic) ?

Yes, collision system is still not very refined :P

I don't understand what you want to say about pictures... I added a picture showing one of the new features of this version, if new feauteres would be more "visual" probably I would added more pictures...


PLayed this all day!! - I love it... :D :D :D :D

I have two requests -


and more girls

once you get her naked - you get the same girl again!

I know it sounds odd but you need more girls to keep you interested :D , they could even get more sugestive???

on the next beta think it would be good to restore the lives options to give a bigger challenge!

this is an excellent and very proffessional game - very addictive :ph34r:

sPaCe :ph34r:
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Nilsiboy posted on Mar 15 2005 at 01:31 PM said:
Puck, i meant teh backgorund pictures...the last verision had 2 of them, this has 3

Ah, I understand you now :)

Well, I am not sure if next version will have a new girl, but be sure that if I add a new girl it would have all the "transition" pictures (from dressed to naked) :D

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lopyod posted on Mar 19 2005 at 02:24 PM said:
it could be great if there is some kind of thing for make our own background pictures....

I thought about it some time ago, it could be possible to use your own background pictures but they should use a specific palette (or at least some predetermined colours) in order to not corrupt sprite's colours.

Anyway, there are more important features to add at the moment ;)

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Well, finally the new version that I will release today will not add a new girl but the game engine is almost finish so I hope in next versions will be new girls available. :D
