If Microsoft wants to sue me, they can go ahead. They won't win because I'm not doing anything that breaks their intellectual property. Im not developing a jailbreak or anything. And as far as production, I don't really know my target number yet. I think I will wait till I am funded before I make an order. For right now I'm working on research and design. I found the dimensions of the Xbone, so from there I've attempted to recreate that of the Kinect 2.0. I also know a guy who's father worked on the Xbone so hopefully I can get a blueprint from him before launch in November. I'd like to have my KS live in October so that I can get the Xbone immediately after and start testing and whatnot to ensure it works. If all looks good and the campaign was funded successfully, I should be able to order the mold and the quantity by Week 2 of November. I also met someone today that works for Walmart headquarters. If my campaign is successful, I think I might pitch the idea for Walmart to carry them in stores (probably in a small region for starters) So that's cool I guess.