Ketm Wiz Port


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
Some days ago i installed the GPH Toolchain and with codeblocks i have quickly compiled my last port KETM to the Wiz.
Since i don't still have the console..i ask to someone to try and report if it's working or not and , if work, your impression.
Link to the game to donwload...K.E.T.M. wiz port beta

Thank you

No, the game goes straight back to menu.

Console output:

./KETM_wiz: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open s
hared object file: No such file or directory
view created...
GP2X wiz Mode...
Thank you

Do i have to include such lib with the game's archive ? or i do include statically in compilation ?
Farox said:
Thank you

Do i have to include such lib with the game's archive ? or i do include statically in compilation ?

GPH didn't include that library in the firmware for some reason.. I put in my games. I will attach it here for you.View attachment 421
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Cheers Senor Quack!

I changed the filename of your file and now the game runs. Not much time for testing, tomorrow more...
Doesn't RAR decompress 7z? It should do. Why not try reinstalling the latest 7zip, there's a stable one and a beta one. I simply dont believe anyone would have a problem with the file, unless it's corrupt.
I always choose 7zip because is open and available on Win and Linux...but if you have problem i could make an updated archive in Zip format.

Don't have RAR sorry.
I tested your port. The controls seem to work fine (besides the volume), but there's a bug when the own plane is destroyed. The game "goes crazy" and it's impossible to continue (all planes leave a "residual image" and they move in slow motion :D ).
:( Very strange...i only compiled the source of the GP2X version and in this there isn't any gfx corruptions..
Maybe is something related to libSDL_gfx ? or do i use SDL_HWSURFACE insted of SDL_SWSURFACE ?
On GP2X i have to use SDL_SWSURFACE because i have gfx artifact .
On volume control yes is not changed from the original code change volume is needed to select on the option before the game start (from 0 to 3 range ).
This is a thing that need fixing...

Thank's a lot Mr2X :)
Thank you...for retry. :)

If there are more positive testing...i will submit the game to the archive.

Thanks for putting this excellent game up on the archive. (Here:,0,0,0,30,391) :)

I've made some icons for 1941 & Episode 1 downloadable below. (Maybe these could be included if we get an update)

Cheers, Neil
Thank you very much....i'm glad that you like it :) ....the icons will be included in next version .

I think also that the KETM icon is perfect if i could implement a menu at start so every mod is selectable and runnable from only one exe....