Just Some Stuff For Sale



I have a psp for sale, it has a problem though it needs a laser replacement (you can get these for £20-ebay)

it has a firmware 2.6, box, charger and usb cable

Also i have a neo geo pocket color (see-thru edition) fully working.

sega saturn - no tv lead, one controller and duke nukem 3d

i also may consider the sale of my gizmondo, the charger is pushed into the gizmondo but still works perfectly, ' i will most likely get it fixed before i sell it ' it comes with box usb, and charger

thats all for now, any offers accepted/trades - im looking for a NDS

Thanks all...
oh yea.. i may also sell my x-box if i get the right price for it. It comes with power lead, scart lead, 2 wireless controllers, rainbow six... it has also been soft modded.
well by browsing on ebay faulty psp's generally go for anything around £30 - £60 so i will take anything around that, trades also excepted. oh by the way the xbox is gone, let me know if u want the psp
how much for the mighty duke nukem ( i have 2 saturns as it is)

meh... say about £4 for duke, roughly 75p - £1.50 for p+p thats considering your in the uk

also i've been offered £50 for the psp so if theres no other offers it shall be gone by thursday
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