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Soulkiller Posted on: Nov 3 2008, 01:09 AM

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slaanesh said:

WINE is for Intel processors only. Case closed.

Just to clarify. No that's not true. WINE is for x86 processors only. Not just Intel processors. I could just

as easily run WINE on a computer with an AMD processor as I could a computer with an Intel processor.
slaanesh Posted on: Nov 3 2008, 01:00 AM

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WINE is for Intel processors only. Case closed.

Soulkiller Posted on: Nov 3 2008, 01:00 AM

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Wine is for x86 processors. The Pandora has an ARM processor.So, no it can't.Please search next time as this

has been asked many times

benjymous Posted on: Oct 30 2008, 09:02 AM

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Esn said:
something called "Wine-Doors":...Does this mean that it would be possible to run it on the Pandora?
Sadly not. Wine isn't an emulator, it's a wrapper that lets x86 windows code run on a linux machine

(basically it contains a reimplementation of the windows api)It doesn't provide a system to emulate an x86

CPU on an arm based platform. Even if it could, it's likely it wouldn't be very fast (386 kinda speed, which

wouldn't be good enough for modern windows apps)
Mithrildor Posted on: Oct 29 2008, 06:49 AM

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This it what the name Wine means: Wine Is Not an EmulatorNow all stop about wine!

ingrin Posted on: Oct 29 2008, 01:53 AM

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mittens said:
I read a topic about Freespace porting and it reminds me the one of the most games I loved.Homeworld. - I

believe no one mention about it since I keep reading news / general talk about pandora- Well, I might be

slipped it and being boob ;) then sorry.There is the Homeworld SDL project. So I believe it is possible to be

ported for pandora.But I still don't know the HW SDL is good enough for original fans.How about the Wine?

Homeworld and Homeworld 2 are great on the Wine in any Linux platform.If pandora has enough horse power, it

might be possible.Any guess?
Wine is Not an Emulator. It will not run on the Pandora since the Pandora does not have an x86 processor.HW

SDL is a possibility.
PoisonedV Posted on: Oct 1 2008, 02:48 AM

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There is no arm version of wine. There is an x86 emulator that makes WINE work, but that will definitely not

work for ANY reasonable application.

tazg Posted on: Sep 28 2008, 11:58 PM

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ShyGuy said:
an ARM version of wine
all wine does is translate windows executables. An ARM version of wine would be useless because there's no

ARM windows, let alone ARM half life.
Prometheus Posted on: Sep 28 2008, 11:24 PM

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Consequence9 said:
Maybe really poorly through wine, but hopefully there is a better way. Its probably not very likely
I'm afraid (as others have said), it's beyond not likely. WINE, as the acronym that is its name suggests, is

not an emulator - it is what some refer to as a "compatibility layer", and as such, requires an x86

processor. The Pandora uses an ARM processor.Sorry about that.
quadomatic Posted on: Sep 28 2008, 11:20 PM

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Short Answer: NoLong Answer (thanks yahtzee):

Wine won't work on Pandora because it uses so many optimizations specifically for the x86 architecture.But

yeah, I wish it were possible too...

greendots Posted on: Sep 27 2008, 12:52 AM

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Windows is for the x86 platform (CPU architecture). Windows applications are made only for Windows on x86

platform. Linux is typically run on x86, using a compatibility layer called wine, it can run some Windows

software. Pandora is an ARM platform, so any software that you want to run must be made to run specifically

for it.No, you can not run half-life.#

VRAndy Posted on: Sep 26 2008, 04:46 PM

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paddy said:
its just a question as i like most, prefer windows over linux
If the GUI creators do their job right (and I'm pretty sure they will) then you wouldn't even know it's Linux

unless someone told you. It's like asking what operating system an X-Box runs on. It doesn't matter. It's an

X-Box. (Though, I'm sure a penguin will show up somewhere. You just can't keep them away from a Linux

no microsoft unless its running off linux-xwine emulation.
Even WINE and it's closed-source sibling Cedega will not run on Pandora. Wine does not emulate the CPU. The

only thing WINE "emulates" is the interface between a program and the OS. (If you run a game on WINE, the

game thinks it's talking to Windows, but it's really talking to Linux.) The programs themselves will still

require an x86 CPU, without that they can't even get to the point where Wine would help.
Hessiess Posted on: Aug 19 2008, 09:43 AM

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If you use/prefer Linux on a daily basis, then you can always either use an alternative, or use WINE/VMWare.
WINE wouldn't work, it dissent support USB devices.VMWere is a virtual PC, so you are essentially running

windows, which I don't want to do.

argor Posted on: Aug 5 2008, 02:12 AM

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Pandora's Lox said:
Hello all,Just out of curiosity... but what about WINE? I imagine trying to run something like a full blown

VMWare or VirtualBox on this thing is NOT going to happen, buuuuut, WINE though? Just a thought, since

there's a couple of random Windows apps I wouldn't mind having on the go ;) Although I imagine it'd be a good

idea to get some of this stuff ported on a SD/SDHC card that won't be swapped out much
Wine Is Not an EmulatorRather than acting as a full emulator, Wine implements a compatibility layer,

providing alternative implementations of the DLLs that Windows programs call, and processes to substitute for

the Windows NT kernel.aka only on x86 in the pandora is a ARM core so the answer is no
PlopperZ Posted on: Aug 5 2008, 02:06 AM

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Pandora's Lox said:
Hello all,Just out of curiosity... but what about WINE? I imagine trying to run something like a full blown

VMWare or VirtualBox on this thing is NOT going to happen, buuuuut, WINE though? Just a thought, since

there's a couple of random Windows apps I wouldn't mind having on the go ;) Although I imagine it'd be a good

idea to get some of this stuff ported on a SD/SDHC card that won't be swapped out much
Wine Is Not an Emulator.It virtualizes. You can't virtualize an x86 OS on ARM.
PlopperZ Posted on: Aug 4 2008, 07:47 AM

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Nightwheel said:
B. The system is not x86 based, It's ARM based. Now I bet someone could program a workaround the fact it's

arm based. But The chances of that are slim to none.
You just answered your own question.Wine is impossible. Wine virtualizes, it is impossible to virtualize an

x86 OS with ARM.
BigTruck Posted on: Jul 21 2008, 11:20 AM

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I meant natively. I guess "very well" is open to interpretation. Steam community has been broken in WINE for

how long now? Also, I get approximately 10 fps in source-based games with WINE (though I never really spent

too much effort setting it up properly). Yes, it is x86 only, and as such will never run on the Pandora.

PokeParadox Posted on: Jul 21 2008, 11:13 AM

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BigTruck said:
Must... not... facepalm.Alright, the latest information we have is that preorders will start sometime in

August, though we don't know exactly when. A while ago, Craig said that preorders would be approximately 4

weeks before the Pandora was released, so assuming that is still correct, that puts release sometime in

September.No, Steam cannot run in linux. It is Windows only; it's hard enough trying to get them to do an x86

linux port of Steam and GoldSrc/Source engine games. Chances are a linux armel port of Steam will happen

shortly after GNU Hurd can play Duke Nukem Forever on the Pandora.Also, I think he meant wireless as in a

cellular provider's USB reciever. My understanding is not all of them have linux drivers. Try it on a linux

desktop computer, if it works, it will probably (not definitely) work with the Pandora.
Steam can run in WINE, very well I might add. Regardless of that, Pandora is arm and WINE is windows

virtualisation... I would think it's heavily tied down to x86 only code.

Pickle Posted on: Jul 5 2008, 04:49 PM

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WIKI!Myth 10: "Wine is for Intel x86 only" Well, it is true that Wine only runs on Intel's x86 processors.

Unfortunately it will also require quite a lot of work before it runs on other processor architectures. But

what do we mean by 'running on a non x86 processor'. First it can mean 'I can compile a Windows application

on Sparc, link it with Winelib, and have it run on Solaris'. I know, this is not what you had in mind. This

may seem very restrictive and yet would be very useful: it means easy porting of Windows applications to

almost any Unix architecture. In any case this is the first step towards allowing Wine to run on other

processor architectures. Unfortunately Wine's code is not very portable to other processor architectures,

partly because some parts of it have to know a lot about the processor, and partly because most of it makes

assumptions like 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(pointer)' and 'byte-sex==little-endian'. This is being worked on

though, and progress is being made albeit slowly. Then we could take it to mean 'Wine on Alpha should be able

to run Windows NT Alpha applications'. The prerequisite for this is that Winelib compiles on Alpha (or MIPS,

the other defunct Windows NT platform). Now, would it be really useful? I don't think many people have

Windows NT applications for the Alpha or MIPS processor. So this is probably not that useful and also rather

unlikely to happen since we would need a programmer who has just this combination of hardware and software to

work on it. Then there's what everyone has been waiting for: 'I want to be able to run my x86 Windows

applications on any processor architecture I like. That's the most complex one. Again the prerequisite is

that Winelib works on this architecture, which will definitely happen someday. Then 'all that is needed' is

to integrate an x86 emulator with Wine (and also change Wine's name :-). Ulrich Weigand just did that as an

experiment some time ago when he had 'some spare time'. He even managed to get some Win16 applications to

run. His code was not in a state where it could be integrated into Wine yet and I don't know how much work

has been put into pursuing it. His attempt did spark many discussions on Wine's mailing list though. The

result is that we would need a sophisticated emulator including a JIT in order to get something really viable

(i.e. not too slow). And developing such an emulator is a whole project in itself. Does it mean it will never

happen? Not sure. Maybe we'll get some motivated developers once the Winelib problems are solved. Of course,

it would happen much faster if, for instance, Compaq made its Fx32! Intel x86 emulator Open Source and

financed the development of Wine for their Alpha machines. As with all Open Source projects, if enough people

are interested and pool their resources together, it will happen.

PlopperZ Posted on: Jul 5 2008, 04:47 PM

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Wine Is Not an Emulator

AireTamStorm Posted on: Jul 5 2008, 04:45 PM

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While this has been mentioned many times before: Negative. While wine is Open Source Software, it relies

heavily on the x86 instruction set. Pandora is running an ARM CPU, so Wine is pretty far-fetched at this

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Crasherball said:
I hope Wine will be availablefor games like d2 :Por other windows-software
Not going to happen, Two completely different architectures, One`s Arm (Pandora) and the other is x86 (PC).d2

?, Not sure what game that is, But if it`s an old game, And was able to run on a 386 pc, Then you may be in

luck, If someone was to port Dosbox to the Pandora. Or if this d2 game is open source, Or has the source

available, Then there is a good chance that someone could have a go at porting the actually game.Trooper

KRH Posted on: Jun 22 2008, 03:49 AM
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waffles said:
Im quite aware of its impossibility, thanks.Im fairly certain the title of the thread is "Most wanted ported

game"not "wanted possible ports".Regardless of its possibility, i want hardwar ported, making it "wanted for

porting." :o you follow? and to quote the hardwar faq "The game relies too heavily on DirectX to handle

network play, sound, and in most cases, graphics. Although having said that, people seem to be having more

success at _almost_ getting Hardwar to run on Linux using WINE, so perhaps it will eventually be possible."
Don't count on using WINE, Wine Is Not an Emulator. ;)
shmuck Posted on: Jun 16 2008, 11:22 AM

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Well, the answer is no - it will not be possible to make the PC version run on the Pandora. The reason is

that the Pandora's CPU differs from the CPU that is standard in desktops and which the program is expecting.

For this reason Wine is also not an option.That said, RPG maker has been released on many platforms and we're

expecting several of those to be well emulated by the Pandora. So it's reasonable to expect the Super

Famicom, Playstation, and Game Boy versions to run well on the Pandora.I don't know if that'll be enough to

make you happy, but that's where it stands.There are other, open source, projects that will let you develop

RPGs. Off the top of my head, I know that Battle for Wesnoth is very mod-friendly. It's a strategy game, not

exactly a JRPG, but stylistically similar.

WizardStan Posted on: Jun 16 2008, 11:19 AM

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Wine only runs on x86 systems, ie, systems that could already run Windows. It csindbad Posted on:

May 30 2008, 12:15 PM

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.Gogeta§§J4BR. said:
I'm talking about playing wow, gta, using autocad/sketchup and little windows apps.no source code, just plain

x86 executables.you will never, ever, be able to run them on your pandora. that's what I'm talking about.
You wouldn't care about most of those on a screen this small and there are equivalents for most others.The

pandora is clearly labeled as a linux console. Linux can't run wow, gta or windows apps natively. Gta

wouldn't work anyway, since there's only OpenGL ES. Wine only works on x86, and the fact that it uses an ARM

cpu is also clearly labeled.an't run on Pandora. If the RPG Makers source code were available, someone could

probably be convinced to convert it to Linux, but that's not going to happen in this case.There are a lot of

open source RPG makers, though apparently none as good as RPG2K, sadly.
A Short List Of Simple Questions
David Gutiérrez Palma Posted on: May 23 2008, 02:28 PM

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For question 3:WINE is for x86 architecture only, but it might be possible run win32 binaries using QEmu +

WINE: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/qemu-doc.html#SEC1Using QEmu in user mode you should be able to run

an x86 linux distro (with WINE) in Pandora, so you could run WINE in ARM architecture. Note that QEmu in user

mode doesn't act as a "full emulator", so there shouldn't be a big performance hit. We'll only be sure if

this is possible when we try it.

jbr Posted on: May 23 2008, 02:09 AM

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For #3:No wine, as stated above, but beyond Dosbox, some very slow functionality with windows executables

through qemu emulating x86 running windows or reactos. I mean really, really, unbearably slow. But

theoretically possible. (There is an ARM port of qemu, as far as I know.)

Canguy Posted on: May 15 2008, 03:05 AM


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WINE is an acronym for Wine Is Not an Emulator (recursive acronyms rock)Unfortunately porting it would be

useless as the .exe must still be executed - wine just replaces the windows API. So unless you have arm

windows binaries, you still need the source code.Canguy

Chip Posted on: May 14 2008, 01:49 AM

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Vince2501 said:
On another note: Can game made under Game Maker be ported?
No. From the Game Maker site:
The maker part is heavily based on the Windows API. This makes it rather difficult to port it to a different

platform. The runner part is based on DirectX (version 8.0 at the moment to keep it compatible with most

older computers). Again, this makes it difficult to port it to other platforms. Don't expect versions that

can make games for e.g. hand-held devices because of the many incomptibilities.
jbr said:
I don't think so, but what about under wine? Will wine work?
No. Wine Is Not an Emulator. Wine is a compatibility layer that only works on x86 CPUs.
izzie Posted on: Apr 22 2008, 03:05 PM


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Parkydr said:
:huh: The link you give points to a page with "View package lists" is big letters on it.
which leads to lists of packages available by debian distribution, not by architecture. wine is featured on

these 3 lists but is not available for ARM which you only discover after clicking on the package name.what

I'm looking for is a readily avaialble list of debian packages for ARM architecture.
AireTamStorm Posted on: Apr 20 2008, 02:39 PM

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As WINE is dependent on the x86 architecture, it will NEVER run on the pandora.Edit:Let me clarify- As Wine

Is Not an Emulator, it does not simulate the correct CPU for windows applications to run on. Windows runs on

x86. Pandora is running ARM.Unlike the GP2X, the Pandora has a full keyboard, touchscreen, and WiFi. We'll

see a good chunk of the huge library of Linux games ported over.

Holokauston Posted on: Apr 20 2008, 09:43 AM

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atomicthumbs said:
quasist said:
no. see many many previous anti-wine debunkings.
Yes wine wont' work on Pandora since it's not an emulator for a x86 enviroment but a simple API layer that

gives linux ability to handle windows callsand I think a project like this should be native and open source

to have the best chance of survival
atomicthumbs Posted on: Apr 20 2008, 07:34 AM

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quasist said:
no. see many many previous anti-wine debunkings.
hobbyman Posted on: Apr 18 2008, 07:45 PM


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@Prophet BODY...Where would we put the BODY....singular, there aren`t that many MS fanboyz around here :lol:

@Spinxter, I too wouldn`t recommend it, I swear CE stands for CONSUMES ELECTRICITY, every gadget I own thats

CE powered flattens batteries faster than an obese steamroller.....even when the device is turned OFF :o and

generally speakingYOU CAN`T USE WINE ON ARM TO RUN X86 APPLICATIONS, afaik wine is a sort of abstraction

layer that makes a windows app running on Linux think it`s seeing a windows filesystem/libs/registry etc, the

programs are still x86 and need a X86 cpu to run ...Wine Is Not an Emulator :P you would need to convert all

the windows software to ARM code in order for it to run, for that you need the source, not gonna happen IMO

Chip Posted on: Apr 18 2008, 12:37 AM

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Jonttu said:
Assuming wine can be run, is it possible to run Halo Custom Edition? Halo Requirements
I'm sorry, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.If you're seriously asking, the answer is no. WINE

stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator. It's called that because it doesn't actually emulate PC hardware - all it

does is add a windows compatability layer. WINE still requires that your system processor be some sort of

x86.The best windows environment you can expect on Pandora would be windows 3.11 running at 386 speeds under


Hooka Posted on: Mar 23 2008, 05:58 AM
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WINE is NOT (an) Emulator....Well, if the pandora had an x86 CPU, it might work... but, if you were to hack

the ever living crap out of WINE to make it emulate a x86 CPU in addition to it's windows abstraction layer,

then it might become feasible, but in short... no

Game_over Posted on: Mar 4 2008, 07:46 PM

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Exophase said:
RHCA said:
Rather than emulation I would make a compatibility layer like wine since the pandora will run Linux, it would

make this at least a bit faster if u want 2 run windows apps
Arrgh, how many people are going to suggest this? >_<Pandora is not x86. You must emulate. Wine is not

available for non-x86 platforms.
No worries mate, it's such an easy thing to overlook :lol:. that should probably be your signature line- "For

the last time: THE PANDORA IS NOT x86!!!!!"
Exophase Posted on: Mar 4 2008, 07:21 PM

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RHCA said:
Rather than emulation I would make a compatibility layer like wine since the pandora will run Linux, it would

make this at least a bit faster if u want 2 run windows apps
Arrgh, how many people are going to suggest this? >_<Pandora is not x86. You must emulate. Wine is not

available for non-x86 platforms.
Zarneth Posted on: Mar 4 2008, 10:37 AM

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Will it be possible to run WINE or Cedega on the pandora and play low-system requirement games / applications

on it? I'm thinking the 'RPG Maker' series, that zelda-remake thing, etc, will bring a lot of games to it.
The answer is in what WINE stands for:
Wine Is Not an Emulator (Gotta love those recursive anachronisms ;) )

In other words, any programs you run in wine need to be compatible with the cpu architecture (ie, x86). All

wine does is provide replacements for system calls and common dll files to make the program think it's

running in windows. The general code in the program itself runs natively regardless of OS.

Tobriand Posted on: Mar 4 2008, 10:11 AM

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WINE/Cedega aren't options, I'm afraid. They work by making the x86 compiled .dll files for windows usable in

Linux, basically. Crucially, note the x86 bit. Running WINE on anything that isn't based on the same

archetecture is consequently (mostly) impossible.NB that if you were to find arm-compiled versions of those

DLLs, you might be able to get it to work a bit, but even then, the chances of any given program not having

any x86 code in it and only relying on the Windows API and .DLLs is very very slim. You'd still need the

binary for the arm version of Windows (which doesn't exist).

C B Felterbush Posted on: Dec 23 2007, 08:54 AM

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Yay, 4 layers of emulation, that will work.P.S. I doubt it. biggrin.gif
How do you figure? It is at best one emulator, then Wine. Wine is not an emulator. It is like nickspoon said

a wrapper. Wine allows you to convince the software you need to run that it is running in the environment it

was meant to run in. That is why there is little or no slowdown on any apps ran with Wine. The only thing

that needs to be emulated is the x86 since Wine only runs on it, if that can be done with little resources

absorbed then it will be easy to get good speeds out of the apps we use with Wine. Including Diablo 2 and any

other games we choose to run. -CB

nickspoon Posted on: Dec 21 2007, 08:26 PM

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Goity said:
Wine is an emulator however, just not one of a processor.
Wine is a wrapper. It would really be stretching the definition of 'emulator' if you wanted to call WINE

David Gutiérrez Palma Posted on: Dec 21 2007, 05:36 PM

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Wine is only for x86 CPUs and Pandora will have an ARM CPU, so it wouldn't work. But we might use QEmu +

Wine... I think that using QEmu you could run an x86 Linux (with Wine) on Pandora, so if someone can make a

QEmu port, it may be an option. Would it be playable? I don`t know.Edit:-----WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator)

is a work in progress Win32 API and DirectX API implementation over Linux, but I think that this

implementation only works on x86 CPUs. It is said it's not an emulator because it doesn't have to emulate

registers, buses, etc., it only have to implement high level (or not so high) Win32 system calls using Linux

system calls. (sorry, I can't explain better in English).

Exophase Posted on: Nov 19 2007, 12:43 AM

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Yonkaku said:
javaJake said:
Let's go over this again: Wine stands for WINE IS NOT (AN) EMULATOR.
I once went into #wine and got them to admit that it really is an emulator.Definitely x86 only forever

icurafu Posted on: Nov 18 2007, 11:54 PM

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It's a common enough mistake. Wine is for x86 PCs. It will not emulate x86 software on ARM.But the good news

is that there is dozens on opensource linux software for VOIP that will allow you to get cheaper calls

without a USB gimmick.

Yonkaku Posted on: Nov 18 2007, 11:47 PM


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javaJake said:
Let's go over this again: Wine stands for WINE IS NOT (AN) EMULATOR.
Vorporeal Posted on: Oct 24 2007, 01:28 AM

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A_SN said:
Wine, on a ARM platform... You lose 10 credibility points. ;)
Whoops, good point. As I said, I'm not an expert.Dunno why I thought Wine would work on ARM... :huh: Now to

get my credibility points back... <_<

In german:

Betreff des Beitrags: Pandora mit 256 MB RAM und 512 MB NAND?
Verfasst: Sa Nov 01, 2008 09:20

Um ein paar Sachen nochmal deutlich klarzustellen: WINE ist kein Emulator, WINE geht nur auf X86 Systemen!!!

Der Pandora basiert auf ARM. Sprich: Das geht nicht! ReactOS soll die Windows API nachbilden. Dennoch braucht

man noch immer ARM Binaries. ...

Betreff des Beitrags: RPG Maker Games auf dem Pandora?
Verfasst: So Okt 12, 2008 22:07

Nein Wine wird nicht funktionieren (als Vorraussetzung ist eine andere Prozessorstruktur von Nöten) ! (<--

all right ni[bot] :) )

Betreff des Beitrags: Pandora - FAQ
Verfasst: So Okt 05, 2008 16:58

Kann ich nicht WINE zum emulieren von Windows Spielen verwenden? Wine ist kein Emulator, sondern ein Wrapper.

Noch dazu benötigt er einen einen x86 Prozessor...

Betreff des Beitrags: RPG Maker Games auf dem Pandora?
Verfasst: Fr Sep 12, 2008 14:15

Das einzige Problem an dem Gedanken ist jedoch, dass Wine x86 voraussetzt und auch keine Emulator in dem

Sinne ist. Da wirst du Wine auf einem Gerät mir ARM-Prozessor niemals zum laufen kriegen! (soviel hab ich

schon gelernt! ^^

Betreff des Beitrags: Spiele für Windows auf der Pandora ?
Verfasst: Fr Aug 01, 2008 15:10

Spiele für Windows geht wohl am besten, wenn man ein Windows / ReactOS installiert. Problem hier ist aber,

dass Windows, wie Wine leider auch nur auf X86 läuft. (ROS hat zwar einen fast fertigen ARM Port, aber der

kann dann auch nur ARM Apps) Ich habs auch schon ED gesagt, jemand sollte ...

Betreff des Beitrags: Kleiner Performance-Vergleich
Verfasst: Do Jul 31, 2008 08:05

Wine bringt ihm aber nix, da Wine kein Emulator ist.
Wine nützt einem nichts um PC Spiele auf einer x86 fremnten Architektur zu betreiben.

Verfasst: Di Dez 25, 2007 19:57

Cheex hat geschrieben:
Also ich bin jetzt nicht so der geek, aber wenn ich das richtig sehe müsste da doch mit wine problemlos

warcraft 3 laufen oder nicht? das wäre der absolute hammer!!!

Nein. Der Pandora hat eine ARM CPU Architektur. WINE läuft aber nur unter x86 Systemen (z.B. Intel Core Duo,

AMD Athlon etc.)

Verfasst: Sa Sep 08, 2007 15:44

Wenn das System keine x86 kompatiblen Prozessor hat - und das bezweifel ich stark - kannst du Wine so oder so

vergessen. würde es nicht reichen wine einfach für den gp3x zu kompilieren? ums kurz zu sagen: nein ! Du

brauchst für wine nen x86 ...

Verfasst: Di Aug 28, 2007 19:17

Aber ist eine portierung von "Wine" für den "neuen" vorstellbar, meine dann aber für ältere windows spiele

oder progs ??????? Kurz und knapp: Das ist unmöglich ! Etwas länger: WINE ist kein collständiger Emulator,


Verfasst: Mo Mär 26, 2007 19:21

das geht leider nicht, da wine eine x86-cpu voraussetzt ... der GP nutzt aber eine ARM Architektur. Da Wine

auf vorkompilierte DLL-Dateien zugreift, welche für normale PCs kompiliert wurden, kann man wine nicht

einfach auf eine andere ...

Verfasst: Mo Jan 15, 2007 07:27

ReactOS übernimmt einige der Usermode Dlls von Wine.

Das O: Das wird nicht leicht. Der GP2X hat ne ARM CPU und keine X86. Wenn du es auf dem GP2X laufen lassen

willst, wirst du wohl Bocs nehmen müssen oder QEmu für die Community porten müssen.

Verfasst: Sa Sep 16, 2006 14:44

Ben hat geschrieben:
wine aufm arm, hie rkönnte man ansetzen, das er es nicht geplant hat, denn wine läuft auf keiner arm cpu...

er ist ja der meinung das gph zu blöd war einen x86 prozessor zu benutzen und daher den falschen prozessor

benutzt haben...

mhh x86 im Vergleich zu Arm in sachen Stromsparen O_o

Verfasst: Mo Mai 22, 2006 20:36

wine/cedega funktioniert nur unter x86-prozessoren, der gp2x (und die meisten anderen handhelds ebenfalls)

hat allerdings einen arm-prozessor
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Okay, I can see what you are saying, but I was wondering, do you think WINE could run successfully on the Pandora? This seemed like a good place to ask as there is lots of activity here about WINE.

Many thanks,

Rockthesmurf said:
Okay, I can see what you are saying, but I was wondering, do you think WINE could run successfully on the Pandora?

Are you being serious? Nah, you can't be.
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Ahaha, memories. :lol: Thanks for the laugh, and may we see no more of those. :P

'Nuff said.