Just Edited Psx4Pandora Wiki - Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009

I have just been browsing through PandoraWiki.org and many of the pages just seem lacking and in need of some TLC.

I decided to edit the PSX page as that was the first link I ever navigated to (long, long ago) and I think it would be the same for many users and it just seems lacking so I just fixed it up a little. Only minor updates as to not step on anyone's toes until I have an all clear from you guys.

If some of you guys could just take a look and see if it's any better and get back to me.
I would be more than happy to fix up the rest of the pages needing some love and TLC in pandorawiki if that is okay with all the users, devs and GP32X GURU's out there.

I will also update the wiki with new updates and information as well if it's not an issue.

Edited PSX Wiki

:pandora2ut4: :D
Looks good. :) Simple updates like this are the way to go, it only takes a few links like the ones you put in to make a page infinitely more useful to visitors. If the respective devs want to come along later and pad it out with tech talk, they can.

A few tips for anyone who wants to get involved (this is general information, not just aimed at you kingoddball!):

- Make use of the preview function, and try to do all the fine tuning before you save your changes. That way only one entry shows up on the Recent Changes page, making it easier to review recent work.

- Add some text to the Summary box at the bottom before saving. "Added links", "fixed typos", that sort of thing. It helps to make the Recent Changes page more informative.

- Wikicode is strange if you've never seen it, but easy to pick up and "hack" if you copy it from another page. All page changes on the wiki are undoable, so don't fret about screwing it up! If you want a safe playground, you can even create your own page on the wiki (eg. http://pandorawiki.org/kingoddball). Creating a new page is as simple as typing in a URL that doesn't exist, as I did just then. Suddeny the page does exist, and you can edit it.
kingoddball said:

I have just been browsing through PandoraWiki.org and many of the pages just seem lacking and in need of some TLC.

I decided to edit the PSX page as that was the first link I ever navigated to (long, long ago) and I think it would be the same for many users and it just seems lacking so I just fixed it up a little. Only minor updates as to not step on anyone's toes until I have an all clear from you guys.

If some of you guys could just take a look and see if it's any better and get back to me.
I would be more than happy to fix up the rest of the pages needing some love and TLC in pandorawiki if that is okay with all the users, devs and GP32X GURU's out there.

I will also update the wiki with new updates and information as well if it's not an issue.

Edited PSX Wiki

:pandora2ut4: :D

Good idea to start adding/editing wiki, if that's not maintained who knows what'll happen (I think back to Blender3D Wiki and shudder cause I actually tried modelling via Wiki tutorial - of all things, the beginners sections in which I totally got lost in cause' some noob writer didn't get his commands straight, or I noticed such errors cuase' I skipped sections and noticed errors elsewhere).

Forums shouldn't be a crutch for Wiki, and Wiki likewise. I have heard one dude say in lazymans terms "don't worry about Wiki, they'll come to the forums anyway"... or from the forum, "It's in Wiki", and it's not completely spelled out in there.

Speaking of which, if there's ever a PDF guide/manual to download off the Wiki for the device (again, I can compare Blender Wiki cause it's horrid for this) do not include YouTube/external links when that can be done in the Wiki. People may want to print it. And organize sections, make them coherent, zero tolerance for errors (I know it sounds anal but you expect a wiki to be 100% right?).

I noticed the PSX4Pandora is at version "0.0" - it has to have a version of some sort :P
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You're a smart, smart man!

I was going to ask about creating links as a few emulators don't have links. They just go to pages that don't exist.

I done you "hack" method to work out how to add text for the http links in there.


As for version numbers: I wanted to change it to the correct version but I have not seen a link. I think that part of the wiki will be easier to fix once the pandora arrives and I can open the .pnd and see the version of the app.
Sounds a bit fruity when it's spelled out. :D "A bit of fixing up" is the intended meaning in this context.

TLC is what you give to out-of-date web pages, old cars, angry girlfriends, and puppies.
That's looking great, sorry took so long to get back to you from other thread, work issues.
Esn said:
There is a more complete list of emulators on the following page:

I don't see 'VICE' mentioned for C64 etc., but I'm pretty sure I've seen it running in Pandora Videos?
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Just another thing to remember when doing wiki pages:
Put in links to other pages, whether the pages exist of not. If you keep mentioning the same item in a page, I believe the usual practice is to usually just put a link to the item the first time it is mentioned. There may be other times when links should be duplicated as well, like if you list a number of related pages at the end of an article, or have a table detailing different things.
The links to non existent pages should be created, as it means that everything is already linked together when the page is already created. It also means that if someone is wanting to do some work on the wiki, they can go to http://pandorawiki.org/Special:Wantedpages and find lists of pages that are needed and also work out some sort of priority, depending on how many links there are to an individual page (like at the minute there are 6 links to a Craigix page, which doesn't exist yet, so I know that it'd probably be a good idea to create one).

Also, I cba atm, but I think it'd be worth putting all of the links in for the different emulators listed on http://pandorawiki.org/Projects_Under_Development#Emulators[url] :P
I edited the page yesterday to add a ethernet adapter and now it has a lot more entry ! Nice :)

I guess I could add my logitech webcam, 1.8 harddrive and PS3 controller... maybe even a wacom tablet.
Gruso said:
TLC is what you give to out-of-date web pages, old cars, angry girlfriends, and puppies.
Or a cable channel where you can watch regular hour-long programs about any one of those things.

So is this a sort of campaign to beef up the wiki by creating pages for the applications that'll run on the Pandora?
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Gruso said:
Sounds a bit fruity when it's spelled out. :D "A bit of fixing up" is the intended meaning in this context.

TLC is what you give to out-of-date web pages, old cars, angry girlfriends, and puppies.
But not to scrubs! Because scrubs are just guys who can't get no love from me, hanging out the passenger side of their best friend's ride, tryin' to holla at me!
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