GP2X Joystick And D-pad Support In 8-way Applications


Internal Development
Mar 4, 2004
Here is a diagram to illustrate how your applications such as emulators and games etc. can support both the standard stick AND D-pads simultaneously (no need for menu options).

Since some mods are being done and any future GP2X versions would probably use a D-pad (I would guess anyway due to all of the complaints with the current stick) this is increasingly important.

*MOST* applications already do support this. This is just to make sure for future apps.

Why this works with no problem or need for a menu option? Well the standard stick cannot physically do a sw1+sw3, and a d-pad lacks the sw2 :)

Ignoring sw1+sw2 is a bad idear as it reduces precision,
It should be the mod which hardware wise compensates for its inability.
I can't see the need for a hardware mod after this has been so clearly explained.

If you use the joystick test menu you can see how implementing joystick routines in such a manner would work well regardless of if you have a DPAD mod or not.
Ignoring sw1+sw2 is a bad idear as it reduces precision,
It should be the mod which hardware wise compensates for its inability.

I guess "ignore" is not proper word. sw1 + sw2 is just read in the app same as an sw1 input (case 2).

So really sw1+sw2=UP

I updated pic to reflect this.
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