Joypad And Cradle F200 Help


Sep 10, 2007
hi peeps,
does anybody out here use a cradle with f200 tv out and joypads?
i have got uae4all and paradroid and payback and vektar running great in cradle with tv out but cant seem to get the f200 to pick up the pad.

i am using a real simple logic3 usb joy pad that requires no window drivers. it has a macro and turbo function that when pressed make the joy pad led light up so there is power there, and i have the correct adapter for both the cradle and f200 set on correct volts and polarities with correct amps.
should the f200 pick it up on the home menu screen? as i cant seem to get it to work in payback either? do i need a file for the f200?
or do different games and/or emulators need tweaking to pick them up.
I noticed that there is a joy pad file in the file archive, under utilities if i remember correctly.
is that what is needed, and if so is it compatible with the f200.
was hoping to get the beers out and mates round tonite and see if we could get c64 and Bruce Lee on for a few rounds
thanx all
all the best
PZMB :P :blink:
pubzombie said:
hi peeps,
does anybody out here use a cradle with f200 tv out and joypads?
i have got uae4all and paradroid and payback and vektar running great in cradle with tv out but cant seem to get the f200 to pick up the pad.
none of these support usb pads - picodrive (megadrive), gpfce (nes) and cps2 emu all do. there are others that also use gamepads but im not sure which
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